science lab equipment manufacturer

Educational learning Board for 8051 Microcontroller

Educational learning Board for 8051 Microcontroller Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Catalogue No : ELT-0002

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Educational learning Board for 8051 Microcontroller in India,


The learning board implied entirely for instructive intention is an ease CPU target board to begin learning 8051 and create application for assortment of interface alternatives. This board is designed utilizing the 89V51 controller arrangement. The board has in-framework programming office which makes the client to utilize the projects and test their usefulness. 

Determinations and FEATURES: 

In assembled developer and no need of particular software engineer. 64 K on chip program memory. Each of the 32 ports for interfacing and application improvement alongside CDROM are accessible. The similarity rundown of alternate frameworks accessible are : LCD KEYBOARD , 7-SEG LED KEYBOARD ,RTC-EEPROM ,DAC , STEPPER MOTOR, RELAY ,PADC ,S-LCD, I2C , TRAFFIC LIGHT , GLCD , GSM MODEM ,FINGER PRINT SENSOR 14. Warm PRINTER, RFID KIT, RF SERIAL LINK

Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering educational equipments manufacturer, engineering educational equipments in india, physics lab engineering equipment suppliers, civil engineering lab equipments, civil engineering lab instruments, engineering equipment manufacturer in Ambala, India.

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