science lab equipment manufacturer

Adsorption in Packed Bed

Adsorption in Packed Bed Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Catalogue No : MTLE-0005

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Adsorption in Packed Bed in India,

We are putting forth better quality Adsorption in Packed Bed than the regarded clients, according to their particular requests. These are outlined under the strict order of our quality analyzers remembering the business rules. We make a point to opportune convey the requested items at the clients' end, through our wide appropriation arrange.

Utilities Required:

Water Supply and Drain

Power Supply: I Phase, 220VAC, 1.5kW

Instruments, Laboratory Glassware and Chemicals required for examination according to the framework received



Adsorption Setup

Reactor Column

Material Borosil Glass, diverse distance across with various tallness of pressing (3 Nos.)

Encourage Tank

Material Stainless Steel, Capacity 20 Ltrs., encourage lines, deplete valve and so on. (1Nos.)

Accepting Tank

Material Stainless Steel, Capacity 20 Ltrs (1Nos.)

Encourage Circulation

By pump, Magnetic drive made of Polypropylene (1Nos.)

Stream Measurement

Rota-meter 1 Nos. (for bolster)

Bolster Piping

PVC/SS measure

Stop Watch


Control Panel

On off switch, Mains Indicator and so forth.

The setup is painted with great quality paints and mounted on a solid help.

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