science lab equipment manufacturer

Computerized Variable Compression Ratio Diesel Engine Test Rig

Computerized Variable Compression Ratio Diesel Engine Test Rig Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Catalogue No : AMLI-0008

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Computerized Variable Compression Ratio Diesel Engine Test Rig in India,


The setup comprises of single barrel, four stroke diesel motor associated with dynamometer for stacking. It is given important hardware and instruments for ignition weight, and wrench edge estimations. These signs are interfaced to PC for P-? and P-V outlines. The set-up additionally comprises of air consumption, fuel estimating unit, temperature estimating unit and fumes gas calorimeter with temperature estimation framework. A plan is accommodated changing the pressure proportion of the motor by expanding the freedom volume of the motor. The setup empowers investigation of motor execution for brake control, showed control, frictional power, BMEP, IMEP, brake warm proficiency, demonstrated warm productivity, Mechanical effectiveness, volumetric proficiency, particular fuel utilization, A/F proportion and warmth adjust. The instructive programming and information logging bundle has been created for this unit. It is perfect to interfacing unit. It gives a far reaching instructive programming condition inside which the examinations can be performed. Interfacing the set up with PC utilizing programming can do the continuous information obtaining. Information can be moved in Excel Files for advance computations, plotting diagrams, printing and so forth. Test readings can be organized by necessity of analysis under examination and results got can be thought about. 


· To decide Brake Power, fuel utilization and figure particular fuel utilization, BMEP, Brake Thermal Efficiency at different burdens. 

· To decide Air Intake and compute volumetric effectiveness, A/F proportion 

· To decide Indicated Power and compute Friction Power, IMEP, Indicated Thermal Efficiency and Mechanical Efficiency. 

· To investigation of Engine Performance and investigation of weight v/s wrench edge (P-?) and weight v/s volume (P-V), plot under different burdens. 


· Continuous Clean and Soft Water Supply @ 300 LPH (max.) for motor and 600 LPH at 2kg/cm² for Hydraulic Brake Dynamometer. Give ½" BSP estimate association. 

· Fuel: 10 Ltrs. Per run, Lubricating Oil: 5 Ltrs. 

· Electric supply 220V AC, 50 Hz, 5-15 Amp, Single Phase 

· Computer System: I-3 processor with DVD Drive, Windows 7 and MS Office pre-stacked. One USB opening required in PC for Data Acquisition Card. 

Specialized DETAILS : 

· Type of Engine : VCR Single chamber, Four stroke Water Cooled Diesel Engine, Make: Kirloskar (Model: TV-1) 

· Type of Loading : With Rope Brake Dynamometer or Electrical Brake Dynamometer or With Eddy Current Dynamometer or With Hydraulic Brake Dynamometer 

· Air Intake Measuring System : Air tank fitted with Air Flow Transmitter 

· Fuel Measuring System : Fuel estimating framework comprises of a fuel tank, Fuel Sensor. 

· Combustion Pressure Sensor : Piezoelectric Sensor with low commotion link. 

· Crank Angle Sensor : Resolution 1° with TDC heartbeat. 

· Torque Measurement : Load Cell with Transmitter. 

· Temperature Sensor : Temperature Sensors with Transmitters. 

· Water Flow Measurement : By Rotameters for motor and calorimeter 

· Exhaust Gas Calorimeter : Pipe in pipe compose made of Stainless Steel, protected with earthenware fleece 

what's more, aluminum cladding 

· Engine Interface : Load Transmitter, Temperature Transmitter, Air Flow Transmitter, Fuel Flow Transmitter, Combustion Pressure Sensor, Crank Angle Sensor 

· An ENGLISH guideline manual comprising of test techniques, piece outline and so on will be given along the Apparatus 

· The entire set-up is all around composed and orchestrated on an unbending structure painted with modern PU Paint.

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