science lab equipment manufacturer

Variable Compression Ratio Diesel Engine Test Rig

Variable Compression Ratio Diesel Engine Test Rig Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Catalogue No : AMLI-0009

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Variable Compression Ratio Diesel Engine Test Rig in India,


IC motors are generally utilized as a part of car, residential and modern division. They are grouped by cycle, number of chambers, course of action of barrels, fuel utilized, kind of start, valve plan, cooling framework. Test rigs are utilized to discover the execution of an IC motor. It comprises of an IC Engine, dynamometer, fuel estimating, air consumption estimating and different courses of action. 


· To decide particular fuel utilization. 

· To decide Brake Horse Power. 

· To decide Brake Thermal Efficiency. 

· To decide volumetric effectiveness estimation. 


· Electric Supply: Single Phase, 220 V, 10Amp. 

· Continuous Water Supply : 10 LPM Approx. at ½ kg/cm2 Pressure for Engine cooling and 10 LPM at 2 kg/cm2 Pressure for Hydraulic Brake Dynamometer 

· Fuel : 20 Ltrs. Diesel 

· Floor Area : 3m X 2m 

Specialized DETAILS: 

· Type of Engine : VCR Single chamber, Four stroke Water Cooled Diesel Engine, Make: Kirloskar (Model: TV-1) 

· Type of Loading : With Rope Brake Dynamometer or Electrical Brake Dynamometer or With Eddy Current Dynamometer or With Hydraulic Brake Dynamometer 

· Fuel Measuring System : Fuel estimating framework comprises of a fuel tank, a burette and a three way chicken game plan. 

· Air Intake Measuring System: Air tank fitted with hole and water manometer. 

· Measurement of Heat Carried away by Cooling Water: It comprises of channel outlet funneling with stream control valve, water meter and temperature sensor. 

· Temperature Measurement : Digital Temperature Indicator with multi-channel switch 

· Temperature Sensors : RTD PT-100 compose 

· RPM estimation : RPM Indicator with Proximity sensor 

· Pump : 1 HP Pump for Hydraulic Brake Dynamometer 

· Exhaust Gas Calorimeter : Made of Stainless Steel including the body and the tube for cooling water course and intended to get most extreme temperature distinction. The body of the calorimeter is protected on all sides to avert warm misfortunes because of radiation. 

· An ENGLISH guideline manual comprising of exploratory techniques, square outline and so forth will be furnished alongside the Apparatus 

· The entire set-up is all around planned and organized on an inflexible structure painted with mechanical PU Paint.

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