Meteorology is a branch of the atmospheric sciences which consist atmospheric chemistry . The interactions between Earth's atmosphere and its oceans are part of a coupled ocean-atmosphere system. Ray Export are leading in the Meteorology Earth Science, Meteorology Earth Science Manufacturer, Meteorology Earth Science Suppliers, Meteorology Earth Science India, Meteorology Earth Science Exporter, Educational Lab Equipment, Meteorology Earth Science Instruments, Meteorology Equipment.
This Kit tells us importance of fossil study for describing geology, history, mapping, and stratigraphic correlation.
Represent fossils the corresponding geologic periods are rested on the chart. New bigger chart size, 18” x 24” and comes with a wood frame.
With this kit students are enable to use calipers and rulers to calculate internal and external dimensions of 50 fossil brachiopods imbedded in reproduction plastic rocks
The relationship of predominant elements of the Earth’s crust to the recipes for minerals will be demonstrated in this project
This set of 4 Rock Charts is a fine addition to any Earth Science curriculum .It Includes each of the Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary and The Rock Cycle Charts.
It is just a graphic explanation of how the major families of rocks from the dynamic process called the rock cycle.
This collection permits a study in detail of the response of these minerals of the range of uv rays. 15 specimens approximately 1-1/2” x 1-1/2”
The term “ore” is used for joining with a rock or mineral mass when it gets enough of an element or compound to make it economically accessible to mine.
It Comprises of 30 unique minerals which are to be used with the taxonomic key contained in the lab manual. Students test their hardness, specific gravity, color, streak, and cleavage.It also Includes a Mineral Testing Kit
It distinguish physical properties of streak and color and in this includes 8 samples of mineral collection.