science lab equipment manufacturer

Magnetic Field Measurement Apparatus For Physics Lab For High School Science Kits Lab

Magnetic Field Measurement Apparatus For Physics Lab For High School Science Kits Lab Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Catalogue No : HSLE-0001

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Magnetic Field Measurement Apparatus For Physics Lab For High School Science Kits Lab in India,

This experiment comprises of two coils, Constant Current Power Supply and Gaussmeter. The Gaussmeter probe is placed on a rail with a ruler. It can move smoothly and accurately for measurement of magnetic field along the centre of the coils. The following studies are carried out with the set-up: 1. Study of magnetic field due to one coil and meaurement of its diameter. 2. Study of principal of super-imposition of magnetic field due to its 2nd coil by keeping the distance between the coils at a, greater than a and less the radius of the coil, Line 1 Magnetic Profile when the distance between the coils is greater than radius of the coil Line 2 Magnetic Profile when the distance between coils is equal to radius of the coil Line 3 Magnetic Profile when the distance between coils is less than radius of the coil –It  Superimposed completely Apparatus consists of the following: 1. Digital Gaussmeter Range: 0-200 Resolution: 0.1G Accuracy: 0.5% Display: 3½ digit 7 segment LED with autopolarity. 2. Two Coil Diameter: 200mm Number of turn: 1000 3. Constant Current Power Supply Current: 0-0.5A Smoothly adjustable Line Regulator: 0.2%for 10% mains variation. Load Regulator: 0.2 % for 0 to full load. Display: 3½ digit 7 Segment LED Display. Protection: Against overload/ short current. The 2 coils are rested on platform one coil is fixed and other coil move smoothly on a rail along with the axis of the coils.. 

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