This experiment comprises of two coils, Constant Current Power Supply and Gaussmeter. The Gaussmeter probe is placed on a rail with a ruler. It can move smoothly and accurately for measurement of magnetic field along the centre of the coils. The following studies are carried out with the set-up: 1. Study of magnetic field due to one coil and meaurement of its diameter. 2. Study of principal of super-imposition of magnetic field due to its 2nd coil by keeping the distance between the coils at a, greater than a and less the radius of the coil, Line 1 Magnetic Profile when the distance between the coils is greater than radius of the coil Line 2 Magnetic Profile when the distance between coils is equal to radius of the coil Line 3 Magnetic Profile when the distance between coils is less than radius of the coil –It Superimposed completely Apparatus consists of the following: 1. Digital Gaussmeter Range: 0-200 Resolution: 0.1G Accuracy: 0.5% Display: 3½ digit 7 segment LED with autopolarity. 2. Two Coil Diameter: 200mm Number of turn: 1000 3. Constant Current Power Supply Current: 0-0.5A Smoothly adjustable Line Regulator: 0.2%for 10% mains variation. Load Regulator: 0.2 % for 0 to full load. Display: 3½ digit 7 Segment LED Display. Protection: Against overload/ short current. The 2 coils are rested on platform one coil is fixed and other coil move smoothly on a rail along with the axis of the coils..