Advance Communication Trainers
EPABX Trainer - Z80 Microprocessor based stored program control. 64KB Program memory (EPROM), 32KB Data RAM for buffer. Two DOT Lines, Four Extension Lines with Opto Isolation . Dial Tone, Busy Tone, Ring Back Tone, Hold-on music and other Tone Generation. Power Requirement is +11V, +23V, +5V, +15V.
Data Communication Trainers - Serial and parallel communication techniques. Fiber Optic Communication using 660nm FO LED, photo detector and PMMA plastic cable, Operating @ 115200 bps . Sample Circuit/Output, Sample & Hold Circuit/Output Wireless Communication with 920 nm IR LED and Photo detector Operating @ 2400 bps. Modem Communication using FSK Mod/ Demod Operating @ 19200 bps. Windows based Software..
Telephone Trainer - LED indication provided for LINE IN, HOOK, TONE and RINGER. Tone with Frequency of 430Hz and pulse dialer are provided through switch. 4 x 3 Matrix Keyboard Containing 0 - 9, # & * . Mute, Redial, Flash and On/Off Hook switches. Dialer and Ringer section with Ringer Volume control through Potentiometer.
Antenna Trainer - Provides RF generated output of approx.750 MHz. Provides Tone generated output of approx.1 KHz. Forward And Reverse Direction Coupler. Antenna rotation of 0-360° . Receiving Antenna is Folded dipole type with reflector and Digital meter. Twenty One different types of Antennas are provided.