Basic Electronics Trainers
DIAC Characteristics Trainer
TRIAC Characteristics Trainer
Maxwell`s Bridge Trainer - Bridge trainer is a useful training product for measuring very small values of inductance. It is useful for students to understand the concept and operation of A.C. Bridges.
Dielectric Constant Measurement Trainer is designed to measure Dielectric Constant of different solid materials like Teflon, Glass, Bakelite, etc. A dielectric substance is the electrically insulating material.
Hay`s Bridge Trainer NV6535 is useful training product for measuring the value of unknown inductance. This product is useful for students to understand the concept and working of A.C. Bridges.
LDR Characteristics Trainer is a compact, ready to use experiment board. Light dependent resistor is a resistor whose resistance decreases with increasing incident light intensity. LDRs are very useful especially in light sensor circuits. Normally its resistance is very high.
BJT Amplifiers and Emitter Follower Trainer -BJT Amplifiers and Emitter follower Trainer Nvis 6542 is a unique product designed to explain the role of BJTs as single-stage/multistage RCcoupled amplifiers and as common collector emitter followers.
Lissajous Pattern Trainer" is a unique product designed to explain the measurement of unknown frequency, phase difference and resonance frequency using Lissajous Pattern. It includes two sine wave generators for ease of operation.
Power Supply Base Unit, it has four different power supplies which can be used for any application. There is space provided to add Bread Board for connecting circuit. To drive the circuits there are four Fixed voltage power supplies which are +/-5V and +/-12V.
TechBooks are compact and user friendly learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn Technology. Each TechBook is provided with detailed Multimedia learning material which covers basic theory, step by step procedure to conduct the experiment and other useful information.