Digital Analog Trainers & Kits
10 Logic Level Inputs and 10 LED for yield sign. Settled Clock age of 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz, 100KHz and 1MHz. Rationale Pulsar, Logic Probe, Potentiometers of 1K, 10K 100K. Bread Board of 1260 tie focuses. Sine, Square and Triangular yield waveform from 0-200Khz. Settled DC, Variable DC, AC control supply. All interconnections are influenced utilizing 2mm banana To fix string.
Advanced Trainer Kit 02 - 10 rationale level information sources and 10 LED for yield sign. Bread Board of 630 tie focuses. Sine, square and triangular yield waveform from 0-200Khz. Settled DC, variable DC, AC control supply. All interconnections are influenced utilizing 2mm banana To fix line.
Advanced Trainer Kit 03 - 10 Logic Level Inputs and 10 LED for yield sign. Settled Clock age of 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz, 100KHz and 1MHz. Rationale Pulsar, Logic Probe 4 digit 7 Segment Display Bread Board of 1260 tie focuses Fixed DC +5V, ±12V control supply. All interconnections are influenced utilizing 2mm banana To fix string.
10 logic level inputs and 10 LED for yield sign. Settled Clock age of 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz, 100KHz and 1MHz. Rationale pulsar, rationale test, four digit BCD 7-Segment Display. Bread Board of 1260 tie focuses. Settled DC +5V, ±12V control supply. All interconnections are influenced utilizing 2mm banana To fix string.
Computerized IC Trainer Kit - 10 Logic Level Inputs and 10 LED for yield sign. Settled Clock age of 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz, 100KHz and 1MHz. Rationale Pulsar, Logic Probe, Three Digit 7-Segment Display. Bread Board of 630 tie focuses One IC each of 7400, 7402, 7408, 7432, 7404, 7490, 7495, 7486, 7447 and Two Nos. of IC 747. 20 Pin Socket-1No. Settled DC +5V, ±12V control supply. All interconnections are influenced utilizing 2mm banana To fix string..
4 LED for output indication. Bread Board of 630 tie focuses. One IC each of 555, 741, LF398, MCT2E, Transistor, Diodes. Resistor and Capacitor bank, SPDT Relay, Speaker. Two 8 Pin Socket, Potentiometers of 1K, 10K 100K Sine, Square and Triangular yield waveform from 0-200Khz. Settled DC, Variable DC, AC control supply. All interconnections are influenced utilizing 2mm banana To fix string.
Fundamental Electronics Trainer Kit - 16 Logic Level Inputs and 16 LED for yield sign. Settled Clock age of 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz, 100KHz and 1MHz. Double Logic Pulsar, Logic Probe, SPDT Relay, Buzzer, Bar LED show, DPM for Voltage and Current, Potentiometers of 1K, 1M, Two digit 7 portion show with HEX to 7 section decoder. Bread Board of 1260 tie focuses Sine, Square and Triangular yield waveform from 0-200Khz. Settled DC +5V, ±12V control supply. All interconnections are influenced utilizing 2mm banana To fix string..
DC Power Supplies are unique since they provide the facility to preset both voltage and current limit desired by the user before DC output is turned on. This avoids damaging the circuit under test.
Function Generator is designed for use in Electronics Laboratory & educational institution. This Function Generator delivers very low distortion, high accuracy, stability and long operational life and it is designed to meet the international standard. - Sine/Triangle/Square output. - Frequency range from .02Hx to 2MHz. - Maximum output voltage 20Vp-p. - Attenuator of 0-60db. - Variable duty cycle & DC Offset. - 50Mhz Frequency Counter..