Electrical Engineering Trainers
Slip Ring Induction Motor Lab Trainer - Exclusive and rugged designed panel, Stand alone operation
Three Phase Transformer Lab Trainer - Graphical LCD display for high resolution, Exclusive and rugged designed set-up.
Home Electrical Wiring Training System Trainer - Easy diagrammatic representation of circuits, Energy Meter, Voltage and Current display on Graphical LCD (128x64)
Power Factor Demonstrator Trainer - Digital display, BNC Probe
Exclusive and rugged designed panel, Stand alone operation, Designed by considering all the safety precautions
AC / DC Load - Exclusive and rugged designed panel, Stand alone operation, Designed by considering all the safety precautions
Network Theorems Trainer-I - Exclusive and compact design, On board digital Ammeter, Provided with an extensive manual
Network Theorems Trainer-II - Designed by considering all the safety standards, On board digital Ammeter, Provided with an extensive manual
Electrical Safety Demonstrator - Exclusive design and attractive presentation of each block, This trainer represents many essential safety precautions, Unique demonstration & importance of Earthing
Three Phase Lab - Designed considering all the safety standards, Hands on Practice, Stand alone operation