Embedded System Trainers
I2C ADC/DAC Module - i2C ADC/DAC Module I2C convention based ADC/DAC module empowers understudies and honing designers to increase viable experience of uses of Microcontroller. The protest is to see how two wire serial interface gadget is utilized for interfacing with Microcontroller to speak with outer applications.
Test point to demonstrate the operation of peripherals
User can interface their own hardware with available Modules
Step execution
Compatible with NVIS 8085 and 8086 Trainers
Learning Material CD.
8085 / 8086 Trainers Interfacing Modules
ARM9 Development Board minimal and easy to understand learning stages to give a cutting edge, convenient, far reaching and pragmatic approach to learn Technology. Each TechBook is given point by point Multimedia learning material which covers fundamental hypothesis, well ordered methodology to direct the examination and other helpful data.
ARM10 Development Board smaller and easy to understand learning stages to give a cutting edge, convenient, exhaustive and functional approach to learn Technology. Each TechBook is given nitty gritty Multimedia learning material which covers essential hypothesis, well ordered system to direct the Experiment and other valuable data.
CPU: Philips 89C61X2 Microcontroller ISP Programming facility. On-board interface like 8 I/P switches, 8 Led output, 16x2 LCD display, 4 digit 7-segment display, I2C like 24c512, DS1307 RTC, 8 bit ADC & DAC, Temperature sensor DS18B20 24 I/O Lines Provided on a 26 pin FRC Connector for external interface In-built Power supply of +/- 12V, +5V.
CPU: Philips LPC 2148 Microcontroller ISP programming facility. On-board interface like 8 I/P switches, 8 Led output, 16x2 LCD display, 4 digit 7-segment display, I2C like 24c512, DS1307 RTC, 8 bit ADC & DAC, temperature sensor DS18B20 24 I/O lines provided on a 26 pin FRC connector for external interface In-built Power supply of +/- 12V, +5V.
CPU: Microchip 16F877A / 18F452 Microcontroller ISP Programming facility. On-board interface like 8 I/P switches, 8 Led output, 16x2 LCD display, 4 digit 7-segment display, I2C like 24c512, DS1307 RTC, 8 bit ADC & DAC, Temperature sensor DS18B20 24 I/O Lines Provided on a 26 pin FRC Connector for external interface In-built Power supply of +/- 12V, +5V.
CPU: ATMEL Atmega32 microcontroller ISP programming facility. On-board interface like 8 I/P switches, 8 Led output, 16x2 LCD display, 4 digit 7-segment display, I2C like 24c512, DS1307 RTC, 8 bit ADC & DAC, Temperature sensor DS18B20 24 I/O Lines Provided on a 26 pin FRC Connector for external interface In-built Power supply of +/- 12V, +5V.
CPU: Boards compatible for 89C61X2, PIC 16F877A, LPC 2148, AT mega16 microcontrollers. ISP Programming facility. On-board interface like 8 I/P switches, 8 Led output, 16x2 LCD display, 4 digit 7-segment display, I2C like 24c512, DS1307 RTC, 8 bit ADC & DAC, Temperature sensor DS18B20 LM35 temperature sensor, 4x4 matrix keyboard, Relay, Buzzer. 24 I/O Lines Provided on a 26 pin FRC Connector for external interface In-built Power supply of +/- 12V, +5V..