science lab equipment manufacturer

Fiber Optics Trainer

Fiber Optics Trainer Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Fiber Optics Trainer in India,

Fiber Optics Lab - Analog Fiber Optics Trainer, Digital Fiber Optics Trainer, Advanced Fiber Optics Trainer and Fiber Optics Trainer

Fiber Optic Simplex Analogue Transceiver Trainer & Kit For Electrical Lab For Vocational Training And Didactic Labs


Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Fiber Optic Simplex Analogue Transceiver Trainer & Kit for Electrical Lab - Fiber Optic Simplex Analogue Transceiver Trainer has been designed specifically for the study of a typical linear intensity modulation system for analogue signal transmission. Practical experience on this board carries great educative value for Science & Engineering Students. Object: To study ac characteristics of a Linear Intensity Modulation system : Gain characteristics of a fibre optic Linear Intensity Modulation System Vin (ac) Vs Vo (ac) for fixed carrier power Po and signal frequency Frequency Response of ac fibre-Optic Linear Intensity Modulation System. Vout (ac) Vs fo at fixed carrier power Po and Vin (ac). Gain-Band width Product of a fibre Optic Linear Intensity Modulation Receiver. Gain Vs Bandwidth for fixed Vin. Features: The board consists of the following built-in parts: IC Regulated D.C. Power Supply. Fiber-Optic Transmitter Fibere-Optic Receiver Potentiometer to vary the current of LED in Transmitter and Photo transistor in receiver. Adequate no of other electronic components. Mains ON/OFF switch, Fuse and Jewel light. The unit is operative on 230V ±10% at 50Hz A.C. Mains. Adequate no. of patch cords stackable 4mm spring loaded plug length ½ metre. Good Quality, reliable terminal/sockets are provided at appropriate places on panel for connections / observation of waveforms. Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References. Other Apparatus Required: AF/RF Generator 10Hz to 1MHz Order Code - 16902 Digital Multimeter Order Code - 16901 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 20MHz.

Fiber Optic Simplex Digital Transceiver Trainer & Kit For Electrical Lab For Vocational Training And Didactic Labs


Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Fiber Optic Simplex Digital Transceiver Trainer & Kit for Electrical Lab - Fiber Optic Simplex Digital Transceiver Trainer has been designed specifically for the study of characteristics & propagation delay in digital fibre optic transmission systems. Practical experience on this board carries great educative value for science & engineering students. Object: Design & study of a fibre-optic Digital link. Study of Rise-Time and Fall-Time distortions Study of Propagation Delay. Features: The board consists of the following built-in parts: Two isolated IC Regulated D.C. Power Suppliers. Timer IC for Square Wave Frequency Generator. Three potentiometers to vary R (Threshold Resistance), R (Input Resistance) and frequency. TH IN Fiber Optic Digital Transmitter @ 660nm Fiber Optic Digital Receiver. Adequate no of other electronic components. Mains ON/OFF switch, Fuse and Jewel light. The unit is operative on 230V ±10% at 50Hz A.C. Mains. Adequate no. of patch cords stackable 4mm spring loaded plug length ½ metre. Good Quality, reliable terminal/sockets are provided at appropriate places on panel for connections / observation of waveforms. Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References. Other Apparatus Required: Digital Multimeter Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 20MHz. 

Advanced Fiber Optic Analogue Transceiver Trainer & Kit For Electrical Lab For Vocational Training And Didactic Labs


Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Advanced Fiber Optic Analogue Transceiver Trainer - Fiber Optic Simplex Analogue Transceiver Trainer has been designed specifically for the study of a typical linear intensity modulation system for analogue signal transmission. Practical experience on this Trainer carries great educative value for Science & Engineering Students. Object: To determine the Numerical Aperature of optical fibre. Losses in Optical Fibres at 660nm and 850nm and other cables. Study of E/O Characteristic of Fibre Optic 660nm and 850nm. Study of O/E Characteristic of Fibre Optic photo transistor. Design and study of a linear Fibre Optic Intensity Modulation system for analog transmission : Gain characteristics of a Fibre Optic Linear Intensity Modulation System. Frequency Response of a Fibre Optic Linear Intensity Modulation System. Waveform distortion in a Fibre Optic Linear Intensity Modulation System. Gain-Band width product of a fibre optic linear intensity Modulation System. Features: The trainer consists of the following built-in parts: IC regulated D.C. power supply. Fibre-Optic Analogue Transmitter @ 660nm Fibre-Optic Analogue Transmitter @ 850nm Fibre-Optic Receiver. One-metre PMMA Fibre patch cord. Five-metre PMMA Fibre patch cord. In-line SMA adaptor. Two potentiometer to vary forward current of LED in Transmitter & current of photo transistor in receiver. SPDT switch for selecting wavelengths 660nm and 850nm. NA JIG with scale marked on it to measure length. Mandrel. NA measuring Scale to measure width of Fibre Optic’s LED. Adequate no of other electronic componets. Mains ON/OFF switch, Fuse and Jewel light. The unit is operative on 230V ±10% at 50Hz A.C. Mains. Adequate no. of patch cords stackable 4mm spring loaded plug length ½ metre. Good Quality, reliable terminal/sockets are provided at appropriate places on panel for connections / observation of waveforms. Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References. Other Apparatus Required AF/RF Generator 10Hz to 1MHz Digital Fibre-Optic Power Meter Digital Multimeter Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 20MHz. 

Advanced Fiber Optic Digital Transceiver Trainer & Kit For Electrical Lab For Vocational Training And Didactic Labs


Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Advanced Fiber Optic Digital Transceiver Trainer & Kit for Electrical Lab - Fiber Optic Digital Transceiver Trainer has been designed specifically for the study of encoding methods used in digital fibre Optic. transmission system. Practical experience on this board carries great educative value for Science & Engineering Students. Object: Design and study of a Fibre-optic digital link Study of rise-time and fall-time distortions Study of propagation delay. Encoding methods for fibre-optic digital transmission Base band or Non Return to Zero (NRZ) Transmission Return to Zero coding (RZ) Non Return to zero inverted coding (NRZI) Biphase Coding Manchester Coding. Features The board consists of the following built-in parts: Fiber Optic digital transmitter @ 660nm Fiber Optic digital receiver Two Potentiomet Two Isolated IC regulated D.C. power supplies ers to vary, RIN (input resistance) of receiver and RTH (Threshold resistance) of receiver. Encoder IC Decoder IC Two Crystals Two reset switches resetting encoder and decoder Adequate no of other electronic component Mains ON/OFF switch, Fuse and Jewel light The unit is operative on 230V ±10% at 50Hz A.C. Mains Adequate no. of patch cords stackable 4mm spring loaded plug length ½ meter. Good Quality, reliable terminal/sockets are provided at appropriate places on panel for connections / observation of waveforms Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References. Other Apparatus Required: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 20MHz. 

Fiber Optic Trainer Kit For Numerical Aperture And Fiber Loss Measurement For Electrical Labs For Vocational Training And Didactic Labs


Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Fiber Optic Trainer Kit for Numerical Aperture and Fiber Loss Measurement for Electrical Labs - Fiber Optic Trainer has been designed specifically for the study of Numerical Aperature and Fibre Loss Measurement. Practical experience on this Trainer carries great educative value for Science & Engineering Students. Object: Study of : Fibre Optic Transmitter and Receiver Numerical Aperture of PMMA Fibre . Loss in 1 Mtr / 5 Mtr. PMMA Patch Chords. Electrical - Optical Converter Characteristics. Optical to Electrical Converter Characteristics. Intensity Modulation System. Features: The Trainer consists of the following built-in parts: IC regulated D.C. Power Supply. Fibre-Optic Analogue Transmitter @ 660 nm Fibre-Optic Analogue Transmitter @ 850 nm Fibre-Optic Receiver. One-metre PMMA Fibre Patch cord. Five-metre PMMA Fibre Patch cord. In-line SMA Adaptor. Two Potentiometer to vary forward current of LED in Transmitter & current of Phototransistor in receiver. SPDT switch for selecting wavelengths 660 nm and 850 nm. NA JIG with scale marked on it to measure length. Mandrel. NA measuring Scale to measure width of Fibre Optic’s LED. Adequate no of other electronic componets. Mains ON/OFF switch, Fuse and Jewel light. The unit is operative on 230V ±10% at 50Hz A.C. Mains. Adequate no. of patch cords stackable 4mm spring loaded plug length ½ metre. Good Quality, reliable terminal/sockets are provided at appropriate places on panel for connections / observation of waveforms. Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References. Weight : 3 Kg. (Approx) Dimension : W 340 x H 110 x D 210 Other Apparatus Required: AF/RF Generator 10Hz to 1MHz Digital Fibre-Optic Power Meter Digital Multimeter Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 20MHz.. 

Fiber Optic Voice Transmitter & Receiver Trainer For Vocational Training And Didactic Labs


Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Fiber Optic Voice Transmitter & Receiver Trainer - Fibre-Optic Voice Transmitter and Receiver Trainer has been designed specifically to learn mysteries and science of Fibre Optics. In a way it is a Lab-Optics Voice Link Trainer. Practical experience on this Trainer carries great educative value for Science & Engineering Students. Experiments: Study of fibre - optic transmitter and receiver for audio signal transmission. Study of fibre - optic transmitter and receiver for voice signal transmission. Features: The Trainer consists of the following built-in parts: Fibre-Optic Transmitter @ 660nm. Audio Amplifier Circuit. 12V & 6V DC at 200mA, IC Regulated power supply internally connected. One mike connector. Potentiometer to vary the current of LED. Fibre - Optic Photo Transistor. Detector Circuit with Speaker of 8 ohms. Mains ON/OFF, Fuse and Jewel Light. A mike to transmit voice. One meter and five-meter PMMA patch cords with in - line adaptor. The units are operative on 230V ±10% at 50Hz A.C. Mains. Adequate no. of Patchcords stackable 4mm spring loaded plug length ½ metre. Good Quality, reliable Terminal/Sockets are provided at appropriate places on Panel for connections / observation of waveforms. Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References. Other Apparatus Required: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 20MHz. AF/RF Generator 10Hz to 1 MHz. 

Laser Diode Intensity Modulation And Demodulation Trainer For Vocational Training And Didactic Labs


Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Laser Diode Intensity Modulation and Demodulation Trainer - Laser Diode Intensity Modulation and Demodulation Trainer has been developed to conduct studies on laser Diode, optical fibres and optical communication methods, by signal transmission. Practical experience on this Trainer carries great educative value for Science & Engineering Students. Experiments: Characterisation of a Laser Diode. Optical Power (Po) of a Laser Diode Vs Laser Diode Forward current (I ). F Monitor Photodiode Current (I ) Vs Laser Optical Power Output (Po). M Study of Automatic Current Control (ACC) or Automatic Power Control (APC) Modes of Operation Comparison of ACC and APC Modes of Operation. Design and Evaluation of an Laser Diode (LD) Analog I System M Vo Vs Vin at Specified Optical Carrier Power Levels, Po. Determination of Vin (max) at Specified Po for Distortion-free Vo. Design and Evaluation of Laser Diode LD Digital Transmission System Risetime and Falltime Pulsewidth Distortions and Determination of Propogation Delay. Transmission of Laser through an Optical Fibre To measure loss in dB of Step-index Multimode plastic Fibre Patchcord. To measure loss in dB of Graded-Index, Multimode Glass Fibre Patchcord. To measure loss in dB of Two Patchcords connected by the in-line Adaptor. Laser Free Space Communication Analogue Free Space Communication System. Digital Free Space Communication System Determination of Numerical Aperature of PMMA Fibre Cable Features: The Trainer consists of the following built-in parts: Laser Diode Transmitter unit having following built-in parts : Laser Diode Transmitter Module. 6V DC at 100mA, IC Regulated Power Supply internally connected. SPDT switch to select Automatic Current Control (ACC) or Automatic Power Control (APC). Potentiometer to set power output. Adequate no.of other electronic components. Mains ON/OFF switch, Fuse and Jewel light. Laser Diode Receiver unit having following built-in parts : Laser Diode Receiver Module. PIN Diode for measuring power of Laser Diode. Potentiometer to set voltage output. Adequate no.of other Electronic Components. 6V DC at 100mA, IC Regulated Power Supply internally connected. Two-metres PMMA Plastic Fibre Patchcord (Cable-1). Two-metres GI/mm Glass Fibre Patchcord (Cable-2). In-line SMA Adaptor. Numerical Aperature measurement Jig. Mandrel. The units are operative on 230V ±10% at 50Hz A.C. Mains. Adequate no. of Patch cords stackable 4mm spring loaded plug length ½ metre. Good Quality, reliable Terminal/Sockets are provided at appropriate places on panel for connections / observation of waveforms. Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design Procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References. Weight : 4 Kg. (Approx) Dimension : W 340 x H 110 x D 210 Other Apparatus Required: AF/RF Generator 10Hz to 1 MHz Three Digital Multimeter Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 20MHz. 

Physics Of Fiber Optics Trainer For Vocational Training And Didactic Labs


Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Physics of Fiber Optics Trainer - PHYSICS OF FIBER OPTICS TRAINER is designed to learn basic physics of fiber optics including fiber end preparation. Students can also study the construction of transmitter & receiver to form analog & digital link. Ample number of experiments can be performed with this kit by referring to the exhaustive manuals provided with the kit. List of Experiments: Light traveling around corners in an Optical Fiber Coloured light traveling down an Optical Fiber Photo detector detecting light LED output as a function of a current LED shining light into Transmission of light between two fibers Transmission through a gap between fibers Fiber Optic transmission sensor Fiber Optic reflection sensor Measuring Losses in the fiber Measurement of propagation loss in the Fiber Measurement of connector loss Fiber bending loss Measurement of Numerical Aperture of Optical Fiber Setting up of Fiber Optic Analog Link Setting up of Fiber Optic Digital Link Setting of Fiber Optic Voice Link. Switch Faults Study Effect of switch fault 1 in function generator section Effect of switch fault 2 in audio pre amplifier section Effect of switch fault 3 in signal strength section 15.4 Effect of switch fault 4 in audio amplifier section Features: On-board Function Generator. Transmitter : 1 No. Receiver : 2 Nos Fiber Optic Analog Link. Fiber Optic Digital Link. Signal strength indicator. Technical Specifications: Transmitter : 1 No. LED. Peak wavelength of emission 635 nm Red visible. Receiver : 2 Nos. silicon photo detectors Modulation : Intensity modulation. Driver Circuit : Analog and digital configuration for 635 nm LED Analog Bandwidth : 35KHz. Digital Bandwidth : 50KHz. On-Board Function Generator : Sine Wave &TTL Square Wave : Frequency Range : 1Hz to 10Hz, 10Hz to 100Hz, 100Hz to 1 K H z , 1 K H z t o 10KHz Amplitude : 0 to 4Vpp. (Except Square) Voice Communication : Fiber Optic voice link using dynamic MIC &SPEAKER Signal strength indicator : 8 LED's provided to m e a s u r e o p t i c a l power. Fiber Optic Cable : Type : 1000 micron Step Index, Multimode Plastic Fiber Fiber Lengths : 1&5 Meter. Power Supply : GND, +5V, +12V, -12V at100mAINT. Accessories: Red Short Links : 10 Nos. Crocodile Links : 02 Nos. Plastic Fiber 1 Meter (with connector) : 01 No. Plastic Fiber 5 Meter (with connector) : 01 No. N.A. Jig&N.AScale : 01 No. Each Connection Sleeves (Splicing unit) : 01 No. Microphone : 01 No. Speaker : 01 No. Experimental Manual : 01 No. Mandrel : 01 No. Other Apparatus Required: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope20MHz. 

Digital Fiber Optic Power Meter For Vocational Training And Didactic Labs


Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Digital Fiber Optic Power Meter - Digital Fibre Optic Power Meter has been designed with an idea to make available Optic power measurement in the laboratory. It will replace costly Optical Power Meter to facilitate Optic power measurement in dBm. Features: Measures –10dBm to –30dBm Digital Display Measures Power at 660nm and 850nm wavelength Portable with compact size and light weight Specification: RANGE LOW : -20dBm to –30dBm HIGH : -10dBm to –20dBm. ACCURACY : ±.5dB. DISPLAY : 3½digits 7 segment LED (12.5mm height) with auto polarity and decimal indication INPUT : SMA Connector CALIBRATED WAVELENGTHS : 660nm and 850nm. POWER REQUIREMENT : 230V±10%, 50HzACMains.. 

Supply of Fiber Optics Trainer from India to Finland, France, Tanzania, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Congo, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, United Arab Emirates (UAE, Dubai), United Kingdom (London), United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma Myanmar, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), Fiji, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia. Math Teaching Kit suppliers in Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi (Lilongwe), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Comoros, Congo. Math Teaching Kit manufacturers in Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Niger, Nigeria (Abuja), Norway, Oman, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines (Manila), Poland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya (Nairobi), Kiribati, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Mauritius, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda (Kigali). Math Teaching Kit exportets to Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda (Kampala), Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen , Zambia (Lusaka), Zimbabwe
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