Embedded Trainers - VLSI Embedded Trainers, VLSI Embedded System Trainer Supplier, Exporter. Manufacturer and Exporter of VLSI Embedded Trainer, VLSI / Embedded System Trainers and Embedded Software Design Platform
Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - 89C51 Embedded Educational Trainer - Single board Universal Embedded Kit based on MCU (Philips 89C61X2) Microcontroller for any Embedded Applications. Feature: 01. CPU: Philips 89C61X2 Microcontroller 02. ISP Programming facility Onboard Application: 01. 8 LEDs to display Digital Output 02. 8 Switches to give Digital Input each indicated by LED 03. 16*2 Alphanumeric LCD 04. 4 digit Seven segment displays 05. I2C compatible - 24C512 EEPROM (64KB) - DS1307 RTC with suitable battery - 4 Ch. 8bit ADC & 8 bit DAC using PCF8591 06. Temperature sensor interface Lm35 07. Temperature sensor interface DS18B20 24 I/O Lines 08. 24 I/O Lines Provided on a 26 pin FRC Connector for external interface 09. On board supply +/- 12V, 5V is provided 10. Supply Input Voltage: 230V AC 11. User's Manual with sample programs for all on board features.
Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - PIC16F877A & 18F452 Embedded Educational Trainer - Single board Universal Embedded Kit based on PIC (Microchip 16F877A / 18F452) Microcontroller for any Embedded applications. Feature 01. CPU: Microchip 16F877A / 18F452 Microcontroller 02. ISP Programming facility Onboard Application 01. 8 LEDs to display Digital Output 02. 8 Switches to give Digital Input each indicated by LED 03. 16*2 Alphanumeric LCD 04. 4 digit Seven segment displays 05. I2C compatible -24C512 EEPROM (64KB) -DS1307 RTC with suitable battery -4 Ch. 8bit ADC & 8 bit DAC using PCF8591 06. Temperature sensor interface Lm35 07. Temperature sensor interface DS18B20 24 I/O Lines Provided on a 26 pin FRC Connector for external interface 08. On board supply +/- 12V, 5V is provided 09. Supply Input Voltage: 230V AC 10. User's Manual with sample programs for all on board features.
Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Embedded Lab - We are manufacturers of Embedded Lab and Embedded Trainers. Our Embedded Trainer product range includes:
Embedded Trainer for Microchip PIC16F877
Embedded Trainer for Microchip Pic16F84
Embedded Trainer for Philips 89C51RD2
Embedded Trainer Spartan Version
Embedded Trainer CPLD Version
Smart Card Trainer Board
Simulator for 8051 Microcontrollers
Simulator for 8085 Microprocessor
ANSI C Compiler
Matlab Embedded Trainer
Compiler for Microchip
Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - VLSI Lab - We are manufacturers of FPGA Trainer Kit, CPLD Trainer Kit, Universal FPGS CPLD Kit and VHDL Simulator from India. Our VLSI Lab product range includes:
FPGA Trainer Kit
CPLD Trainer Kit
Universal FPGS CPLD Kit
VHDL Simulator.