science lab equipment manufacturer

Structural Mechanics Lab

Structural Mechanics Lab Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Structural Mechanics Lab in India,

All the products are manufactured under strict quality control facility. Bulk quantities appreciated. Structural Mechanics or Mechanics of structures is that the computation of deformations, deflections, and internal forces or stresses (stress equivalents) among structures, either for style or for performance analysis of existing structures. We tend to square measure in skilled to manufacturing and exporting of structural mechanics workplace equipments, verification Clarke s Maxwell reciprocal theorem, behavior of column struts equipment, incurvate member equipment, elastically coupled beam equipment, bridge equipment, Redundant Joint equipment, fastened Joint Model, Bending Moment & Shear Force equipment and Torsion of Rods equipment in India. Ray Export are leading in the Structural Mechanics Lab Engineering Equipment, Structural Mechanics Lab, Structural Mechanics Engineering Laboratory Equipment, Engineering Lab Equipments, Structural Mechanics Lab Manufacturer, Structural Mechanics Lab India, Structural Mechanics Lab Exporter, Structural Mechanics Lab Suppliers India, Mechanical Lab, Structural Mechanics Laboratory.

Study Of A Pre Tensioned Bolt


Investigation Of A Pre Tensioned Bolt Analysis can be made of the burdens and strains created in a rush after various techniques for fixing, and permits displaying of the conduct of a catapulted association when pivotally stacked. Showing goals The mechanical assembly permits the accompanying analyses: Deformations in a rush in the wake of fixing with a spanner or with a torque. Impact of jolt pre-tensioning utilizing a pressure driven stacking framework. Impact of shifting the stacking position. Impact of changing the materials on the stacking torque. Static examination of sliding with grinding on a helical screw contact surface or plane. Basic stacking and weights on a plane area. Mohrs Circles of pressure, vital burdens and their headings. Specialized details The pre-stacked jolt gathering is made out of : A 16mm rush on which are settled three sets of oppositely contradicted 45° strain. These allow the estimation of augmentation and pressure in the jolt. A tubular segment with 2 strain checks mounted at 180° to gauge the pressure in the get together at various statures. A stacking tube to apply jolt pre-stack or to apply stacking power at different positions along the shot get together. A physically worked pressure driven pump. A micrometer dial check to quantify expansions over the total get together. Nuts and washers of different materials. Hardware Package : Pre-stacked jolt get together with pressure driven stacking framework and manual pump. An arrangement of washers. Specialized manual and educating notes. Measurements and weight 15 diam. x 37 cm – 12 kg Pump: 40 x 10 x 14 mm – 3,5kg Essential prerequisites Electrical supply : 220V, 50 Hz Additional required hardware : Extensometer connect. A ring spanner 24 mm. A torque of limit 40 – 200 Nm with 24 mm nut.

Strain Bridge


Strain Bridge The high-differentiate advanced show gives an immediate perusing in miniaturized scale strains, for half or full scaffold task of the six channels. Estimations with a quarter connect design can be made by including a resistor. The measure factor can be balanced in the vicinity of 1 and 5. Each channel can be adjusted independently by methods for multiturn potentiometers. A simple yield for each channel allows the show of the signs utilizing an oscilloscope or a plotter, and furthermore information obtaining. With the extension energisation of 2.5 V, strain measures of 120 W least can be utilized. These can be in Constantan, Isoelastic Karma or Platinum – Tungsten combinations. The 20 000 point computerized show permits estimations in the range 20 000 mm/m, whatever the measure composite. Specialized determinations Number of channels: 6. Working reach: 20 000 m/m. Determination: 1 m/m. Extension energisation: 2.5 V – Stability: 10-4. Measure setup: Full or half extension with checks of 120 to 5000 WQuarter connect with extra resistor. Information impedance: 1010 W. Parity: utilizing multi-turn potentiometers 2000 W/W. Measure factor read specifically in plain view flexible from 1 to 5 by multi-turn locking potentimeters.resolution: 0.001. Speaker: exactness 1 %. linearity: 0.002 %drift: 0.25V/°C clamor: under 13V for every Hzcommon mode rejection:< 100 dB. Simple yields: independant yield for the 6 channels, utilizing Cannon 9 stick connectors max. yield voltage: 10 V band pass: 0 – 10 kHz. 2 V for 20000 W/W. Insignificant load: 22000 W. Check associations: 15 stick Cannon connectors way fast connector. Alternative : Data procurement and preparing with an IBM-PC or perfect miniaturized scale PC, the framework can arrange and read the six channels at the same time. It contains three components: Software bundle Allows for every arrangement of estimations : Test distinguishing proof. Strain connect initialisation. Channel determination, pick up, arrangement (full or half-connect), check factor, diagram design, inspecting rate, add up to number of acquisitions. Perception. Protect. Print-out. Sparing test to document. Card-connect interfacing link. Simple/Digital obtaining card. Highlights : Reads 16 single simple information sources or 8 differential simple data sources. 12 bit advanced change, or a determination of 4096 focuses full scale. Acknowledges most extreme voltages of 0 to 10 volts in unipolar mode and 5 volts in bi-polar mode. Settled recurrence procurement, through implicit time Dimensions and weight 265 x 105 x 84 mm. Net weight : 1.8 Kg. Fundamental prerequisites Voltage : 220 V, 50 or 60 Hz.

Stressmaster Polariscope


Stressmaster Polariscope Primarily intended for instructive use, based on an instrument for every understudy in an examination gathering, the polariscope can likewise be utilized to advantage in industry for the improvement of new item outlines. Showing destinations The Stressmaster polariscope can be used for the customized learning of photoelastic standards. Specialized particulars The offices offered with the Stressmaster polariscope cover the investigation of both isoclinics and isochromatics, and additionally the estimation of fragmentary periphery arranges by the Senarmont or Tardy strategies. A wide assortment of model shapes can be examined utilizing the table-top polariscope. Photoelastic models, delivered in Photoflex material, might be stacked in strain, pressure or bowing to suit systematic necessities. The stacked models can be seen in white light or, then again, in an estimated monochromatic light by essentially swinging a green channel into the polarizing field. Display stacking on the Stressmaster polariscope is made by methods for a deadweight framework, using different connections for elastic, compressive and bowing burdens, as appeared. Optical Field : 152mm distance across. A wooden cover is given to fenced in area of the polariscope when the unit isn't being used. Standard model shapes incorporate shafts, strain individuals, circles and snares. A standard arrangement of six photoelastic models is provided, together with well ordered directions and trial comes about. Measurements and weight Width : 305mm; Length: 380mm; Height: 310mm Unit Weight : 9Kg.

Universal Strut Apparatus


All inclusive Strut Apparatus Reversible solidified load pieces are given with the goal that the swaggers can be tried under the accompanying conditions: 1. The two finishes stuck. 2. The two finishes settled. 3. One end stuck, one end settled. Specialized particulars The mechanical assembly has been intended to oblige swaggers of appropriate lengths inside the range 400/800 mm. The swaggers are rectangular in area, subsequently guaranteeing that the redirection happens in a foreordained plane. The heap is connected to the swagger by methods for a spring balance and a stacking bar. The bar rotates on a nut which can be balanced vertically with the goal that the bar can be kept up in the even position amid stacking, along these lines guaranteeing that a genuine pivotal load can be provided all through the test. A light horizontal load is connected to the swagger to guarantee the heading of redirection, the extent of which would then be able to be estimated by methods for a dial pointer. One arrangement of swaggers for each end condition is provided with the mechanical assembly. One arrangement of masses. Analysis manual Optional supplies : An arrangement of load pieces, shrubberies and examples are accessible to enable trials to be directed on round examples. Measurements and weight 880 x 580 x 1240 mm approx. Net Weight : 56 kg.



Comprehensive Strut Apparatus Reversible hardened load pieces are given with the objective that the swaggers can be attempted under the going with conditions: 1. The two completions stuck. 2. The two completions settled. 3. One end stuck, one end settled. Specific particulars The mechanical get together has been expected to oblige swaggers of fitting lengths inside the range 400/800 mm. The swaggers are rectangular in region, accordingly ensuring that the redirection occurs in a predestined plane. The pile is associated with the swagger by strategies for a spring balance and a stacking bar. The bar turns on a nut which can be adjusted vertically with the objective that the bar can be kept up in the even position in the midst of stacking, thusly ensuring that a bona fide urgent load can be given all through the test. A light even load is associated with the swagger to ensure the heading of redirection, the degree of which would then have the capacity to be evaluated by techniques for a dial pointer. One course of action of swaggers for each end condition is furnished with the mechanical get together. One course of action of masses. Examination manual Optional supplies : A course of action of load pieces, greenery and illustrations are available to empower trials to be coordinated on round cases. Estimations and weight 880 x 580 x 1240 mm approx. Net Weight : 56 kg.

Rotary Vacuum Filter1


Revolving Vacuum Filter The most widely recognized kinds of ceaseless vacuum channel is the rotating drum channel. A flat drum with an opened face turns at under 2 RPM in an unsettled slurry trough. A channel medium, for example, canvas, covers the substance of drum, which is incompletely submerged in the fluid. Under the opened tube shaped face of the primary drum is a moment, littler drum with a strong surface. Between the two drums are spiral segments isolating the annular space into discrete compartments, each associated by an inward pipe to one opening in the pivoting plate of the turning valve Vacuum and air are on the other hand connected to every compartment as the drum turns. The set-up comprises of stainless steel drum moving in gunmetal sections and is partitioned in 6 compartments, secured by a Stainless Steel work. A canvas channel is utilized for filtration. The entire get together is fitted with a SS trough in which an instigator is given. To make the unit an independent a slurry blending and nourish game plan, recipient tanks, vacuum pump, control board are given. Experimentation: To examine the execution of a Rotary Vacuum Filter. To consider the activity of Rotary Vacuum Filter under vacuum. To decide the particular cake obstruction and medium opposition. Utilities Required : Electric Supply: Single stage, 220 V AC, 3.5 kW. Water supply. Deplete. Slurry required to performing test. Specialized Details : Filter Drum : Material Stainless Steel, Dia. 250 mm, Length 350 mm. Work : Material Stainless Steel Filter : Canvas Cloth No. of Zones : 6 Nos. Drive for Drum : FHP engine coupled to a Reduction Gear Box Trough : Material Stainless Steel, Compatible limit. Trough Agitator : Material Stainless Steel, driven by FHP engine with Reduction Gearbox. Slurry Tank : Stainless Steel, limit 75 Ltrs. Slurry Pump : Gear Pump with HP engine Slurry Tank Agitator : Stainless Steel Impeller with SS Shaft coupled to FHP engine and Reduction Gear Box Filtrate Receiver : Material Stainless Steel, Capacity 10 Ltrs. (2 Nos.) Vacuum Pump : Liquid Ring write coupled to a 1 HP Motor Piping : GI and PVC measure Control board Comprises of Standard make On/Off switch, Mains Indicator and so on. Direction Manual : An ENGLISH guideline manual will be furnished alongside the Apparatus A decent quality painted inflexible MS Structure is given to help every one of the parts.

Ribbon Mixer


Strip Mixer A lace blender comprises of a level trough containing a focal shaft and a helical lace fomenter. Two balancing strips are mounted on a similar shaft, one moving the strong gradually one way, the other moving it rapidly in other. The strips might be ceaseless or interfered. Blending comes about because of the turbulence instigated by the checking instigators, not from unimportant movement of solids through the trough. Some lace blender works cluster astute with the solids charged and blended until palatable; others blend consistently, with solids encouraged in one end of the trough and released from the other. Lace Blenders are powerful blenders for thin glues or for powders that don't stream radially. The entire gathering is fitted on unbending MS structure. The trough is emptied through an opening in the base. The setup considers in standards of blending and can be worked as clump savvy or persistently. Experimentation: To contemplate the working of Ribbon blender Utilities Required : Material for Feed. Electric Supply : Single stage, 220 V AC, 1 kW. Floor Area 1 m x 1 m. Specialized Details : Mixing trough : Material Stainless Steel Size 400x200x250mm (approx.) with half circle base Ribbon : Material Stainless Steel, Double helicoids compose. Cover for Trough : Material Stainless Steel Drive : HP engine coupled to Reduction Gear Box. Gathering Bin : 1 No. PVC Control Panel Comprises : Standard make On/Off switch, Mains Indicator and so on. Guideline Manual : An ENGLISH direction manual will be given along the Apparatus A decent quality painted inflexible MS Structure is given to help every one of the parts..

Screw Conveyor (Variable Speed)


Screw Conveyor (Variable Speed) The screw transport is one of the most seasoned and most adaptable transport composes. These are reduced, requiring little headroom and no arrival component. The material is additionally blended as it goes through the transport. Screw or helical flight transports comprises of a steel shaft having a winding or helical balance secured to the pole and turning in a trough without touching the trough, so the helical balance pushes the material along the trough. It is fitted with a variable speed engine. Drive with a perfect lessening gearbox to run the screw transport at variable speed. A RPM marker with Proximity sensor demonstrates the RPM of transport. Experimentation: To think about the impact of different working parameters on passing on. To think about the impact caused by changing the point of slant. To examine the impact of RPM on proficiency of transport. Utilities Required : Material for Feed. Electric Supply : Single stage, 220 V AC, 1 kW. Floor Area 1 m x 2 m. Specialized Details : Trough : Material Stainless Steel Length 750mm. (approx.) Screw : Material Stainless Steel Dia 75mm, Length 750mm., Pitch Scale 75mm Central Shaft for Screw : Material Stainless Steel, Length 750mm. Drive : Standard make FHP Motor with Drive coupled to Reduction Gear Box. Nourish Hopper : Suitable limit with encourage control game plan. Canisters : 2 Nos. Gathering Bin and Distributing Bin Special game plan for changing the edge of slant 0° – 30°. Control board Comprises of: RPM Measurement : Digital RPM Indicator, Non Contact compose with Proximity sensor. Standard make On/Off switch, Mains Indicator and so on. Guideline Manual : An ENGLISH direction manual will be given along the Apparatus A decent quality painted unbending MS Structure is given to help every one of the parts..

Bucket Conveyor


Basin Conveyor Bucket lifts are utilized when the main course of movement is vertical. There could be three kind of pail transports; radial release, positive release, constant release can transport. The present set-up is an outward release basin transport in which pails are reasonably separated on a belt, which is driven with adequate speed to release the can over the head wheel by the radiating power. It might be utilized for any, material that is released unreservedly from the containers. High limit is gotten by huge quantities of pails and not by speed. The hardware is of Lab. Measure with little cans. The drive is given through a diminishment adapt box coupled to an engine. Gathering canister and nourish box is given the gear. It exhibits the working of container transport as utilized as a part of the businesses. Experimentation: To think about the working of a Bucket Conveyor. Utilities Required : Material for Feed. Electric Supply : Single stage, 220 V AC, 1 kW. Floor Area 1 m x 1 m. Specialized Details : Buckets : Material Steel./Plastic Belt : Nylon./Synthetic Drive : HP engine coupled to Reduction Gear Box. Nourish Hopper : Suitable limit with sustain control plan. Containers : 2 Nos. Gathering Bin and Distributing Bin Control Panel Comprises of: Standard make On/Off switch, Mains Indicator and so forth. Direction Manual : An ENGLISH guideline manual will be given along the Apparatus A decent quality painted unbending MS Structure is given to help every one of the parts.

Plate and Frame Filter Press


Plate and Frame Filter Press Pressure channels can apply a vast weight differential over the septum to give monetarily quick filtration with gooey fluids or fine solids. The most widely recognized sorts of weight channels are channel press. A channel press contains an arrangement of plates intended to give a progression of chambers or compartments in which solids may gather. The plates are secured with a channel medium, for example, canvas material. Slurry is admitted to every compartment under strain; alcohol goes through the canvas fabric and out a release pipe, leaving a wet cake of solids behind. Plates and edges sit on a level plane in a metal rack, with material covering the substance of each plate, and are pressed firmly together by a screw. Slurry enters toward one side of the get together of plates and edge. It goes through a channel running the long way through one corner of get together. The set up comprises of 7 plates and 6 outlines. Edges are secured with channel material. Encourage is bolstered by outfit pump at the best and filtrate gathered at the base from each plate by working the cockerel. In the wake of evacuating Cake, washing and cleaning should be possible by water gave by overhead tank. Bay outlet weights are estimated by weight measures. Rate of filtrate evacuations is estimated by aligned tank gave. Experimentation: To think about the task of channel press in the research center. To assess particular cake obstruction and medium opposition. Utilities Required : Electric Supply : Single stage, 220 V AC, 1.5 kW. Water supply. Deplete. Slurry required to performing test. Specialized Details : No. of casing :6 No. of Plates :7 Size : 200 mm x 200 mm. Material : Acrylic Screw Jack plan for fixing and expelling of edges effectively. Channel Medium : Filter Cloth Filtrate gathering plate : Material Stainless Steel, Suitable size. Whirlwind Feed tank : Material Stainless Steel, Capacity 40 Ltrs. Slurry Tank Agitator : Stainless Steel Impeller with SS Shaft coupled to FHP Motor and Reduction Gear Box Slurry Feed Pump : Gear Pump with FHP engine. Channeling framework : GI and PVC. Filtration rate estimation : Using estimating tank. Material Stainless Steel Pressure Measurement : Bourdon compose weight check. Overhead water tank : Material Stainless Steel , Capacity 25 Ltrs. Control board Comprises of Standard make On/Off switch, Mains Indicator and so forth. Direction Manual : An ENGLISH guideline manual will be furnished alongside the Apparatus A decent quality painted inflexible MS Structure is given to help every one of the parts.

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