Centrifuge Extractor (Motorised) for Bitumen Testing - Centrifuge Extractor, Electrical Operation, Capacity 1500g, with a Dimmer stat for speed control from 2,400 to 3,600 rpm. Suitable for operation on 230 V, 50 Hz, Single Phase, A.C. supply..
Centrifuge Extractor (Motorized) for Bitumen Testing - Used for the assurance of bitumen rate in bituminous blends. It comprises of a removable, accuracy machined aluminum rotor bowl (extra 1500 or 3000 g limit), housed in a round and hollow aluminum box. The different control board joins an electronic card fitted with AC drive that naturally drives the bowl speed revolution incline from 0 to 3600 R.P.M. as asked for by Standards, with programmed quick stop bowl turn toward the finish of the test. Provided finish with a speed controller and advanced show checking the recurrence. Power supply: 230 V A.C. Single Phase.
Say bolt Viscometer, Electrically Heated, ASTM D88, D244, AASHTO T72 for Bitumen Testing -for the empirical measurement of Say bolt Viscosity of oil-based commodities at determined temperatures between 70o F and 210o F. This is additionally utilized for deciding the Saybolt Furol Viscosity of bituminous materials at temperatures of 250, 275, 300, 350, 400 and 450 F. It contains one each of barrel-shaped Oil container, Universal Tip, Furol Tip, Bath Fitted with inundation Heater mounted on a stand. Dimmer detail for temperature control, Stirrer with a shield. Finish with protected handle and thermometer bolster accepting carafe, withdrawal tube, channel pipe, thermometer bolster for a glass and round soul level. Reasonable for operation on 230 V 50 Hz, Single Phase, A.C. Discretionary Extras : - Brass Oil Tube - Receiving Flask, 60ml - Universal and Furol Tip (Set of 2) - Filter Funnel - Thermometer Support - Heating Coil - Thermometer Type 18 F Range : 66o F to 80o F - Thermometer Type 19 F Range: 94o F to 80o F - Thermometer Type 19 F Range: 120o F to 148o F - Thermometer Type 20F Range: 134o F to 148o F - Thermometer Type 21 F Range : 174o F to 188o F - Thermometer Type 22 F Range : 204o F to 218o F - Thermometer Type 77F Range: 245o F to 265o F - Thermometer Type 77F Range: 295o F to 315o F - Thermometer Type 78 F Range: 345o F to 365o F - Thermometer Type 80F Range : 395o F to 415o F - Thermometer Type 81F Range: 445o F to 465o F.
Electrical Heating with Immersion Heating Elements and Dimmer stat for controlling the temperature. Suitable for operation on 230 V, 50Hz, Single Phase , A.C. supply Complete with 10mm cup and Ball Valve, 10mm.
Manual Compaction for Bitumen Testing - Consists of Mould body, base plate and combined filling / extraction collar..
Mixer with Heating Jacket for Bitumen Testing - A 6-liter Mixer Used in conjunction with an Iso Mantle, is appropriate for blending tests of black-top. Seat mounting Mixer, 6 liter ostensible limit. Provided with bowl, mixer and whisk. Mechanized with two speed worked on 230 V A.C., Single Phase. ISO MANTLE ELECTRIC HEATER - For utilization of Bench Mounting blender. For 230 V A.C. , 50Hz, Single Phase.
Marshall Stability Test Apparatus for Bitumen Testing - It comprises of body lodging, an equipped screw jack and engine drive instrument reasonable for operation on 230 V, 50Hz, Single Phase, A.C. supply. Vigorous Construction 50KN limit, Rate of travel 50.8mm/min, Safety cut-off switch. - MARSHAL LOAD FRAME 1No. - Breaking Head Stability Mold, with a dial gage ( having 25mm travel and 0.01mm minimum check), for stream estimation 1 No. - Compaction Mold, Steel round and hollow 3 Nos. - Base Plate 3 Nos. - Extension Collar 3 Nos. - Compaction Pedestal, Manual Operation, Comprising a steel plate topped on a wooden post. A Mold Clamp is fitted to the highest point of the plate. 1Nos. - Compaction Hammer, for use with compaction Pedestal and Mold, weight 4.5 kg with a free of 457mm. 2 Nos. - Load Transfer Bar 1 No
Digital Marshall Stability Test Apparatus for Bitumen Testing - This versatile digital loading frame features a microprocessor controlled drive system with stepper motor enabling the operator to easily set any test speed by digital switches. The machine is fitted with a RS 232 C port so it can be remotely controlled by a PC. The upper and lower cutoff points of platen travel are set by utilization of programmed wellbeing set pattern switches. All heap rings, dial gages, cells, and so on must be requested independently. Determination : - Load limit : 50kN (5000 kgf) - Platen Speeds : Selectable Speed run 0.01 mm to 62mm/min - Accuracy of platen speed : 1% - Max. vertical sunshine : 0-850 mm - Platen dia : 180mm - Distance between segments : 380mm - RS 232 Port for association with PC. L.V.D.T. can be provided rather than dial gage fitted with Breaking Head Assembly..
The Pavement Core Drilling Machine for Bitumen Testing - Diesel motor fueled street building drill has been composed particularly to drill test centers from or openings in, Roads, Airport Runways, Bridges and so on. The Machine includes two vertical help sections, which convey the Drill head/Engine get together with the assistance of screwed axle. The 5 HP diesel motor with pulley component works with least vibrations. The twofold exactness bit progresses with screwed axle, which gives a consistent, precise penetrate weight, least center chipping and long piece life. The entire get together is provided on an unbending metal base with leveling office and is reasonable for vertically down coring applications as it were. Bit Diameter : Varying from 25mm to 150mm Maximum profundity of center : 700mm Drill Speed : 475 and 800 R.P.M. Guide Shafts : 50mm dia Screwed Spindle : 20mm dia Water Tap : 12mm Drill Wrenches : Included Water Tank : Optional.
Programmed Compactor for Bitumen Testing - Automatic Compactor for Bituminous Mixes: Rugged development to withstand diligent work, Fully programmed and simple to work Uniform compaction, Automatic Preset Blow Counter Specification : The Automatic Compactor disposes of the relentless procedure of manual compaction and an even level of compaction is accomplished. The determined component lifts the heaviness of 4.5kg and drops it through a right stature of 457 mm. The rammer foot is removable, which encourages preheating. A compaction platform with example holder is settled to the base. An Automatic Blow counter empowers the quantity of hits to be available before each test and naturally stops the machine on culmination. Appropriate for operation on 230 V, 50 Hz, Single Phase, A.C. supply..