Anatomical Models, Anatomy Charts, Anatomy Posters. We offers human anatomy models, human anatomy chart, educational human anatomy models. Human Anatomical Models, Custom Anatomy Model Manufacturer.
Human Anatomy Models are available in all shapes, sizes, colors, and materials. There is the human anatomy model of a head, brain, torso, organs, nerves, skeletons, hands, eyes, ears, teeth, heart, skin and alternative body elements. Whether or not one desires a human anatomy model of the eyeball or that of a heart or arm or hip joint, it is quite easy to seek out it within the market. The manufacturers of science experiment kits and faculty science laboratory provides turn out these models in an exceedingly wide selection to cater to the varying educational needs and requirements. Plus, there area unit each, small and large sized models for home, in addition as School use. Ray Export are leading in the Human Anatomy Model, Human Anatomy Model Manufacturer, Human Anatomy Model Suppliers, Human Anatomy Model India, Human Anatomy Model Exporter, Biology Lab Equipment, Anatomical Models, Anatomical Model Supplier, Educational Human Anatomical Models.
Human Larynx Anatomy Model is Dissectible in 2 partsand it is of full size even showing muscles, thyroid glands and larynx and mounted on base with key card.
In this model interior heart wall can be taken out to show the left and right ventricles and atria as well as the tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral and aortic valves, mounted on base with stand
It is sanctioned in such a way that both ventricles and atria open to expose the valves & large blood vessels near the heart and musculature of the heart are also shown, mounted on base with Key Card.
It is removable from base and shows internal/external anatomy including valves, cardiac chambers, and pulmonary and systemic vascular structures.
It shows two parts natural size, showing frontal section and the front of the heart on base, with key card
It shows 3 parts Bicuspid and tricuspid semilunar and sigmoid values on base, with key card
This model can be cut into 4 pieces to take a closer look at the intricate inner structure.
This model is cut into 7 pieces for identifying parts: Oesophagus, Trachea, Superior vena cava, Aorta, Front Heart Wall, Upper half of the heart.
This model demonstrate the structures associated with gaseous exchange, the alveolar epithelium, the alveoli, cappillary system, supply arteries, veins, bronchioles interfacing with alveolar pipes, flexible filaments, smooth muscle, mucous layers, and ligament, mounted on a base with key card.
This model highlights the structures of a full size right lung and respiratory tract and accompanies a base and keycard, perfect for understanding instruction.