Anatomical Models, Anatomy Charts, Anatomy Posters. We offers human anatomy models, human anatomy chart, educational human anatomy models. Human Anatomical Models, Custom Anatomy Model Manufacturer.
Human Anatomy Models are available in all shapes, sizes, colors, and materials. There is the human anatomy model of a head, brain, torso, organs, nerves, skeletons, hands, eyes, ears, teeth, heart, skin and alternative body elements. Whether or not one desires a human anatomy model of the eyeball or that of a heart or arm or hip joint, it is quite easy to seek out it within the market. The manufacturers of science experiment kits and faculty science laboratory provides turn out these models in an exceedingly wide selection to cater to the varying educational needs and requirements. Plus, there area unit each, small and large sized models for home, in addition as School use. Ray Export are leading in the Human Anatomy Model, Human Anatomy Model Manufacturer, Human Anatomy Model Suppliers, Human Anatomy Model India, Human Anatomy Model Exporter, Biology Lab Equipment, Anatomical Models, Anatomical Model Supplier, Educational Human Anatomical Models.
Life size. Consists a rib cage in the major thoracic organs. Demonstrates the respiration realistically by the movement of the rib cage and diagram. It needs power supply. Size(cm) : 41x17x71
Mounted on a base, appropriately coloured and numbered with key card.
Shows thoracic organs include two part larynx, two part of heart, trachea and bronchial tree, subclavian artery and vein, vena cava aorta, pulmonary artery, esophagus and diaphragm, two front half lungs are removable. Mounted on a base, appropriately coloured and numbered with key card.
This model shows larynx, windpipe, ligaments, muscles and thyroid gland. One half of the model is removable and divided into three parts epiglottis, vocal cords and arytenoid cartilage. Mounted on a base, appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card.
This model is of full size divided into 2 parts showing muscles, thyroid glands, larynx, hyoid bone, wind pipe, ligaments, vessels, nerves. Mounted on a base, Appropriately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card
Model size is 26 × 15 × 35cm. Made of PVC plastic and mounted on plastic base. The model shows the small branches of principal bronchus: Section of bronchiole of no cartilage. The relation between pulmonary alveoli and terminal bronchiole. The structure of alveolar sac and alveolar duct. The capillary rete in the alveolar sapta.
Two-part model is enlarged upto 2 -3x than original size, consisting of four parts left auricle and ventricle,right auricle and ventricle. It shows atria with auricles, the coronary sulcus, the coronary and pulmonary blood vessels, and segments of the oesophagus, trachea, aorta, and vena cava. To study the internal structure of the heart remove the anterior wall, including the entrance points of the superior and inferior vana cava and flexible tricuspid, mitral and aortic valves. It represents a portion of the pericardium. This model is mounted on a base, appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card.
This heart model is divided into two parts showing internal and external anatomy including valves, cardiac chamber, pulmonary & systemic vascular structures. Mounted on a base, appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card
This model is three times larger than original size and separates into four parts. Both ventricles and atria are open to expose the valves and large blood vessels near the heart and musculature. Mounted on a base, appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card.
Dissectable in 4 parts. The model showing superior vena cava, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, ascending arota, right atrium, left atrium, semilunar valve, right ventricle, left ventricle, inferior vena cava, pulmonary artery, pulmonary artery, pulmonary aorta, descending aorta, tricuspid valve, bicuspid valve, interventricular septum. Appropriately coloured and numbered with key card.