Size: 12.5 × 12.5 × 32cm. life size on stand. Demonstrates flexion, extension & internal/ external rotation. Includes flexible artificial ligaments.
An instructional model to illustrate the ligament connections. Fully flexible joint to demonstrate abduction, retroversion and internal/external rotation. Made of PVC plastic. On stand.
About half life size. A fixed type to show the general features of the knee joint. On base. Size(cm) : 12x12x18
Lift size, finely detailed models of the foot depicting a flattened foot,an arching foot and a normal foot. Models are not dissectible. Each foot has 23 numbered parts.
These model sizes are just the same as realities and made of PVC Plastic. Pelvis shape: Long and narrow Pelvis cava: Like a funnel Aperture pelvis superior: Heart like Sacrum: Long and narrow Angles of pelvis arch: 70-75 degree Symphysis pubica: Long and narrow
These model sizes are just the same as realities and made of PVC Plastic. Pelvis shapes : Short and broad Pelvis cava : Like a barrel Aperture pelvis superior : Rounded Sacrum : Broad and Short Angles of pelvis arch : 90-100 degree Symphysis pubica : Short and broad
Life size Lumbar Vertebrae are shown with normal intervertebral disc, spinal cord and pelvis.
Life size model. Shows all significant features of each vertebra, including spinal cord, nerve roots, the vertebral artery, a herniated disc and vertebral notch etc. Ideal teaching model for students, orthopedic surgeons and other medical professionals. Special features : inflexible 72 cm. tall vertebral column complete with pelvis, femur heads, sacrum, occipital bone, vertebral artery, all nerve branches and herniated lumbar disc. Deluxe chrome stands 85 cm. high.
Showing the osteoporosis and blood vessels. Size(cm) : 18x14x18