Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Linear Variable Differential Transducer (L.V.D.T) Educational Trainer - Instrumentation trainer has been designed specifically for to study Linear Variable Differential Transducer (L.V.D.T.).The board is absolutely self contained & require no other apparatus. Practical experience on this set up carries great educative value for Science and Engineering Students. Object: Study of Linear Variable Differential Transducer (L.V.D.T.) Features: The instrumentation trainer consists of the following 01. One board having the following built in parts. (a) ± 12V D.C. at 50mA I.C.regulated Power Supply for Sine wave Oscillator. (b) 4KHz fixed Sine wave Oscillator having variable amplitude 0–10V (P–P). (c) Digital Panel meter 3½ digits range 200mV. (d) Detector circuit with output adjustment pot. (e) 9 pin male connector. 02. Transducer : Linear variable differential transducer (L.V.D.T.). Range : ± 20 mm. (Accuracy ± 1 mm, ± 1 Digit) Moving action : 6 wires,spring loaded type axial. Mains ON/OFF switch and fuse. Adequate no.of patch cords stackable 4 mm spring loaded plug length ½ metre. Good Quality, reliable terminal/sockets are provided at appropriate places on panel for connections /observation of waveforms. Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References.