Head And Facial Models
Enlarged for demonstration to a group. With tooth brush. Appropiately coloured & nicely finished.
This model shows upper and lower jaw of new born child, 5 year old child, 9 year old child and young adult. Mounted on a stand appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card. Each part is also available individually on demand.
To show all the position of the teeth in lower jaw. Mounted on a base, appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card. | |
To show all the position of the teeth in lower and upper jaw. Mounted on a base, appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card.
The model of a lower left jaw has been enlarged about 3.5 times to enhance the details. The jaw is dissected to show roots, nerves, and vessels. Mounted on a base. Appropriately coloured with numbered key card.
Jaw with partial skull to demonstrate various yype of teeth and also the arteries, veins and nerves. On a base, appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card.
It model shows lower molar with one root, nerves and vessels. Mounted on a stand, appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card.
This model is enlarged and divided into six parts. Mounted on a stand, appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card.
This model is enlarged and divided into two parts. Mounted on a stand, appropiately coloured & nicely finished. Numbered with key card.