Bio Medical Technology
Heart Rate Monitor cum ECG Trainer - 3 Digit Digital display of heartbeats/minute, Separate test points to observe ECG waveforms after each block.
12 Lead ECG Simulator - Provides amplified ECG output with P, Q, R, S, T waves.Compatible with Heart Rate Monitor cum ECG Trainer
Respiration-Rate Monitor - 3½ Digit Digital display of breaths/minute. User selectable buzzer for abnormality indication.
Electro-Myograph Trainer - Separate test-points to observe waveforms after each block. Provides amplified real time EMG output. Provides information about 10 simulated EMG outputs.
Electro-Encephalograph Trainer - With Inbuilt EEG Simulator.Buffer stage for oscilloscope display.
Phonocardiograph Trainer - Provides amplified Phonocardiogram output. Real time PCG acquisition software.
Heart/Pulse Rate Measurement Trainer - Provide accurate value of systolic and diastolic pressure. Oscilloscope can be used to observe the waveform.
Blood Pressure Measurement (Oscillometric) - Provide accurate value of systolic and diastolic pressure. Separate test points to observe the waveform after each block.
Single Channel ECG Telemetry Trainer - Provides amplified ECG output with P, Q, R, S, T, U waves. Inbuilt ECG Simulator and Real Time ECG Measurement System.
12 Lead Real Time ECG Trainer - Provides all 12 leads amplified ECG output. Provides in-depth study of Standard Unipolar and Bipolar Leads Configuration for ECG measurement in real time.