Engineering Equipment will be outlined because the branch of science and technology involved with the planning, building and use of engines, machines and structures. Engineering equipments for laboratories have seen an enormous modification and advancement in terms of their styles and performance. These instrumentation are used to analyze and design a myriad of products like engineering instrumentation, instrumentation, natural philosophy, electrical instrumentation and others. These are supported progressive technology, and are offered by varied Engineering Equipments manufacturers and exporters. Ray Export are leading in the Engineering Equipment, Engineering Lab Equipments, Engineering Equipment Manufacturer, Engineering Equipment India, Engineering Equipment Exporter, Engineering Equipment Suppliers India, Mechanical Lab, Engineering Laboratory Equipment.
fine tube Made of borosilicate glass , Measuring 1500 mm long , 1 mm distance across focus gap.
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best civil engineering lab equipment manufacturer, civil engineering lab equipments exporter, civil engineering lab equipment supplier, chemical engineering lab instruments, civil engineering lab equipments suppliers, civil engineering lab equipments exporters in Ambala, India.
U tube Made of borosilicate glass .state of a " U " . Distance across of 14 mm , length 125 mm ..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering lab instruments supplier, engineering lab equipments exporter, civil engineering lab equipments supplier, engineering lab equipment manufacturers, engineering lab equipment manufacturer, engineering lab instruments manufacturer in Ambala, India.
Devices hatchery/sterilizer Oven temperature run 40oC - 250OC , 600 W, 230 V air conditioning ; estimating stature x profundity x width , 630 mm x 430 mm x 420 mm . SIRIM pass assessment.
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering lab instruments supplier, engineering lab equipments exporter, civil engineering lab equipments supplier, engineering lab equipment manufacturers, engineering lab equipment manufacturer, engineering lab instruments manufacturer in Ambala, India.
Table light knobs . Having the flexible handle . The holder can be balanced. SIRIM pass examination.
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best civil engineering lab equipment manufacturer, civil engineering lab equipments exporter, civil engineering lab equipment supplier, chemical engineering lab instruments, civil engineering lab equipments suppliers, civil engineering lab equipments exporters in Ambala, India.
light microscopy Model understudy amplification X40 , X100 , X400 . X10 eyepiece , target focal point X4, X10 , X40 . The destinations for the perception of vertical movement and tilt . Outfitted with hostile to parasitic space and 5 monocular head case organism - battling synthetic substances . Lit tungsten globule 20 V 20 W..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering lab instruments supplier, engineering lab equipments exporter, civil engineering lab equipments supplier, engineering lab equipment manufacturers, engineering lab equipment manufacturer, engineering lab instruments manufacturer in Ambala, India.
Knobs Made of clear glass . Sort with the press . SIRIM pass examination
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best civil engineering lab equipment manufacturer, civil engineering lab equipments exporter, civil engineering lab equipment supplier, chemical engineering lab instruments, civil engineering lab equipments suppliers, civil engineering lab equipments exporters in Ambala, India.
computerized magnifying lens Model student amplification X40 , X100 , X400 . X10 eyepiece , target focal point X4, X10 , X40 . Utilizing power . Furnished with against contagious space and 5 monocular head container growth - battling synthetic substances ..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best civil engineering lab equipment manufacturer, civil engineering lab equipments exporter, civil engineering lab equipment supplier, chemical engineering lab instruments, civil engineering lab equipments suppliers, civil engineering lab equipments exporters in Ambala, India.
nourishment blender , input 240 V 300 W. Estimating , tallness x measurement , 36.25 cm x 17.5 cm. The jug is secured with a limit of 1 liter jug of wet and secured with a limit of 250 ml of dry issue.
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering lab instruments supplier, engineering lab equipments exporter, civil engineering lab equipments supplier, engineering lab equipment manufacturers, engineering lab equipment manufacturer, engineering lab instruments manufacturer in Ambala, India.
water drenching Immersion warmer . Information , 240 V 500 W. Produced using polypropylene tank , warmed electrically controlled , steel cover with 6 mm distance across gaps 105 can be changed to 75 mm , 60 mm , or 35 mm with the utilization of treated steel concentric circles . Temperature + 100 º C , with exactness close at 3 º C temperature consistency ± 0.025 ° C and ± 0.5 º C. affectability Pass SIRIM investigation ..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best civil engineering lab equipment manufacturer, civil engineering lab equipments exporter, civil engineering lab equipment supplier, chemical engineering lab instruments, civil engineering lab equipments suppliers, civil engineering lab equipments exporters in Ambala, India.
catch Made of plastic . Roundabout distance across of 1 cm - 1.5 cm . Five distinct hues . Provided in a crate, 100 pieces/box ..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best chemical engineering lab instruments supplier, chemical engineering lab equipment supplier, engineering lab instruments exporter, civil engineering lab equipment exporter, civil engineering lab instruments supplier, civil engineering lab equipments manufacturer in Ambala, India.