science lab equipment manufacturer

Michel Tilting Pad Bearing Apparatus

Michel Tilting Pad Bearing Apparatus Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Catalogue No : TML-0008

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Michel Tilting Pad Bearing Apparatus in India,

The device comprises of a cushion, which can be tilted to the required point. An unending belt, which moves underneath the cushion, conveys the oil over its surface from oil shower. At the point when the cushion is tilted over the oil movie, weight is produced, the cushion is furnished with weight recordings parallel and opposite to belt course. The weight conveyance is estimated over a multi tube manometer. The belt is driven by a variable speed engine. The tilting edge and least hole amongst cushion and belt can be balanced and qualities in this way can be learned at different holes, slant and relative surface rates. 


Exhibit of weight advancement. 

Plotting weight variety bend in longitudinal and transverse heading of a cushion for different speeds and cushion slant. 

Exhibition of cavitations wonder. 


Power Supply 230 V AC, Single Phase. 

Floor space 1m x 1.5 m (approx). 

SAE-40 oil for conveying the test (approx 3 Ltrs.) 

Specialized DETAILS: 

Tilting cushion 

round, square and trapezoidal shapes, one each, with exceptionally cleaned surface and weight recordings. 


Unending belt running over wide pulleys, drenched in oil shower. 

Engine Variable speed Motor ½ HP, 1500 RPM. 

Control board For speed control unit. 

Manometer 15 Tube manometer 

Course of action for estimation of sign and hole.

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