science lab equipment manufacturer

Universal Vibration Apparatus

Universal Vibration Apparatus Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Catalogue No : TML-0004

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Universal Vibration Apparatus in India,

The mechanical assembly gave exhaustive unit to play out the vibration tests. An all inclusive edge is given whereupon fast and simple get together of different trials should be possible. The unit is independent to securely store saves. The understudies can without much of a stretch gather the trials and concentrate the hypothesis of vibrations basically. 


Following tests can be performed with this unit: 

· To confirm the connection basic pendulum. 

· To confirm the connection of compound pendulum and to decide the span of gyration. 

· To think about span of gyration of bi-filar suspension. 

· To contemplate the undamped free vibration of spring mass framework. 

· To contemplate the longitudinal vibration of helical looped spring. 

· To contemplate the constrained vibration of basically upheld bar for various damping. 

· Undamped torsional vibrations of single rotor framework. 

· Undamped torsional vibrations of twofold rotor framework. 

· To consider the damped torsional vibration of single rotor framework and to decide the damping co-productive. 

· Verification of Dunker ley's Rule. 

· To consider the constrained damped vibration of spring mass framework. 


· Floor Space: 2.5 m x 2.5 m approx. 

· Power Supply: 230V AC, 5 Amp. with earth. 

Specialized DETAILS: 

· RPM estimation 

o Digital RPM Indicator with Proximity sensor. 

· The set-up likewise comprises of exciter unit with FHP Motor and speed controller, standard strip graph recorder and damper with course of action for evolving damping. An electronic stop clock is given to gauge the day and age.

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