science lab equipment manufacturer

Static & Dynamic Balancing Apparatus

Static & Dynamic Balancing Apparatus Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Catalogue No : TML-0006

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Static & Dynamic Balancing Apparatus in India,

This gear is intended for doing the investigation for adjusting a pivot mass framework. The contraption comprises of a stainless steel shaft settled in a rectangular edge. An arrangement of four squares with a clasping game plan is given. For static adjusting, each square is independently clipped on shaft and its relative weight is discovered utilizing line and compartment framework regarding number of steel balls. For dynamic adjusting, a minute polygon is drawn utilizing relative weights and precise and pivotal position of pieces is resolved. The piece are cinched on shaft is turned by an engine to check dynamic adjust of the framework. The framework is furnished with precise and longitudinal scales and is suspended with chains for dynamic adjusting. 


· To adjust the majority statically and powerfully of a solitary turning mass framework. 

· To perception of impact of unbalance in a pivoting mass framework. 


· Electricity 0.5 kW, 220 V, Single Phase 

Specialized DETAILS: 

· Drive Motor 

o FHP Motor, variable speed, with speed controller. 

· Balancing weight 

o 4 Nos. of Stainless Steel with various measured unusual mass for changing unbalance. 

· Rotating Shaft 

o Material Stainless Steel

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