science lab equipment manufacturer

Universal Governor Apparatus

Universal Governor Apparatus Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Catalogue No : TML-0007

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Universal Governor Apparatus in India,

The set-up is intended to think about the working of various governors ordinarily used to control the speed. It comprises of a principle shaft, mounted vertically on the base plate. This shaft is driven by a variable speed Motor which is additionally mounted vertically on a similar base plate. Any one representative gathering out of four can be mounted on axle. The axle speed is controlled by speed control unit. A graduated scale is fitted to the sleeve to gauge the removal. 


Assurance of trademark bend of a sleeve position against speed of pivot for all governors. 

To contemplate the impact of changing the mass of the middle sleeve in Porter and Proell Governor. 

To contemplate the impact of differing the underlying spring pressure in Hartnell Governor. 

To examine the assurance of attributes bends of sweep of revolution against controlling power (Actual and Theoretical) for all governors. 


Power Supply 230 V AC, Single Phase. 

Floor Space 1.5 x 1.5 m 

Tachometer to discover RPM. 

Specialized DETAILS: 

Axle Material Stainless Steel 

Representative Mechanism Four distinct sorts of senator instrument with spring and weights. 

Watt Governor Porter Governor 

Hartnell Governor Proell Governor 

Engine Variable speed, Standard Make, FHP Motor. 

Control Panel For speed control of engine

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