science lab equipment manufacturer

Slip & Creep Measurement Apparatus

Slip & Creep Measurement Apparatus Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Catalogue No : TML-0009

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Slip & Creep Measurement Apparatus in India,

This contraption is valuable for estimation of energy transmitted for different information control conditions with shifted belt strain. Belt slip or crawl likewise can be estimated. The mechanical assembly comprises of a variable speed D.C. Engine, driving pulley and driven pulley of equivalent measurements. The pulleys are mounted on input shaft (engine shaft) and yield shaft. The determined pulley can slide on the base just with bearing square to change the underlying strain in belt. Brake drum is mounted on the yield shaft, which measures control yield. The engine speed is changed by Thyristor Control D.C. Drive. A twofold channel computerized speed marker demonstrates driving and driven pulley speeds. With the assistance of Stroboscope (not in the extent of supply) it is conceivable to exhibit the slip of belt on driving and driven pulley. 


· To gauge co-productive of contact between pulley material and distinctive belt materials. 

· To gauge control transmitted with fluctuated belt strain. 

· To quantify rate slip at settled belt strain by shifting burden on the Brake drum and plot the diagram of (T1-T2) v/s rate slip i.e. "Slip Characteristics" Finding a Creep Zone from diagram. 

· To quantify belt slip speed and watch the constraining estimation of load at steady speed when the slip just begins. 

· To think about crawl of belt. 


· Electricity o 0.5 kW, 220 V, Single Phase 

· Stroboscope. 

Specialized DETAILS: 

· Motor o Variable speed DC Motor 1HP, 1500 RPM. 

· Pulleys o Driving and driven pulleys of equivalent distances across (level pulleys) 

· Loading Arrangement o Brake drum alongside spring parity and rope plan is given to stack the framework. 

· Belts o Flat belts of settled length of following belt material 

§ Fabric Belt 

§ Canvas Belt 

§ Leather Belt 

· Belt fixing game plan o Bearing square is sliding and dead weight can be connected to set the underlying pressure in belt. 

· Speed Indicator 

2 Channel computerized speed pointer with change to change the channel

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