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Predominant quality and planned with most recent methods, we give Ceiling Shadowless Surgical Operating Lamp Single Dome One Reflector Sp.
Magnificent quality Ceiling Shadowless Surgical Operating Lamp Twin Dome One + One Reflector Sp:
Striking Features:
Uncommonly intended for giving cool...
We are giving Ceiling Shadowless Surgical Operating Lamp Single Dome Three Reflectors with the highlights and particulars given here under:
• Spe...
Roof Shadowless Surgical Operating Lamp Twin Dome Three + Three Reflectors exceptionally intended to give cool and high force light.
Roof Shadowless Surgical Operating Lamp Triple Dome Seven + Three + One Reflectors:
Uniquely intended for giving cool and high force light....
We are producer, provider and exporter of all sort doctor's facility and medicinal insruments in best quality and real costs.
- We give CATHETOR TRAY made of Stainless Steel.
Colposcope 5 Step Magnification gives a smooth zoom amplification nonstop design. It gives an extraordinary level of center and determination. It is exceptionally adaptability and can change the bi...
Colposcope Continuous Zoom is intended for checking the vulva, vagina, cervix and different parts. It helps in making the picture clear with consistent zooming force and fine centering. Its versati...
Our Colposcope 3 Step Magnification is usually utilized by Gynecologists for straightforwardly representation of vulva, vagina and cervix notwithstanding different regions. It is exceptionally adap...
Spittoons and tumbler worked by solenoid esteem..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering lab equi...
We are one of the greatest organization of India, occupied with assembling, providing and sending out of extensive variety of therapeutic and healing facility instruments and hardware.
Seat With Writing Table
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering educational e...
Chest Chair Foldable. Chrome plated Steel Frame mounted on feets. Tallness Adjustable 75-85 cm. Seat Width 43 cm..
Contact Ray Export for your School, Colle...
Foldable Commode Stand. Epoxy covered Steel Frame. Seat Width 36 cm..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instr...
Producer, exporter and provider of medicinal hardware and instruments 'Ray Exports' are one of the greatest exporter of India.
- Cardio Stethoscope we offer are known for best hi...
Ray exports are mastery in assembling, providing and trading of extensive variety of Cardio Micro Stethoscope that are utilized for listenting to heartbeats.
- Cardio Micro S...
Utilizing most recent systems and with the collaboration of talented staff, We produce, trade and supply medicinal hardware and instruments in India and abroad market.
- The ...
Measure: 960 × 400 × 1750 mm. Epoxy covered mellow steel system..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instrum...
Highlights: Cardiotrace is aportable CRT based Two Trace ECG screen. It is independent unit for ceaseless ECG observing and show of Heart Rate. Cardiotrace utilizes squeeze catch switch on the fron...
Dependable Clear acoustics offer leeway to Health Care Professionals when tuning in to Heart, Lung and Blood Pressure Sounds, Light Weight· Chrome Plated Chest Piece, Brass/Aluminum/S.Steel, Excel...