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Equipment for Education, Engineering and Vocational Training - Experimental Training Board has been designed specifically for plotting the forward and reverse bias characteristics of a Germanium se...
This Model is an educational model suitable for demonstrating to students the complete know of the Basics, Components, Mechanicals, Loading methods, Torque evaluation, Loading scheme, Wear & Te...
The product provides both Fixed and Variable DC supplies. Product is designed such that it can be connected to any other equipment easily. Additional meters are provided to observe output vol...
DC Brushless Motors - 22
Diode Characteristics Trainer
DIAC Characteristics Trainer
Dielectric Constant Measurement Trainer is designed to measure Dielectric Constant of different solid materials like Teflon, Glass, Bakelite, etc. A dielectric substance is the electrically insulat...
The De-Morgan`s Theorem Trainer NV6553 is an elite training system for the digital laboratories. It is useful in understanding the basic concept of De-Morgan`s Theorem.
TechBooks are compact and user friendly learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn Technology.
TechBooks are compact and user friendly learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn Technology.
D/A Converter Trainer
DC Position Control System which helps the users to gain invaluable practical experience on the principles and applications of continuous closed loop PID controll...
Speed control of a 12V, 4W permanent magnet d.c. motor. Speed range: 0 to 3000 rpm (typical) Opto- interrupter based speed sensing. Electronic tachogenerator for feedback. 4-digit speed display in ...
Position control of a 12V, 1A d.c. gear motor (50rpm) Provision for positive and negative tachogenerator feedback. Tacho constant: 2V/ 1000 rpm approximately. Calibrated dials for reference and out...
Built-in D/A and A/D circuit (8-bit) 8085 based uP-kit as digital controller with user software in 8K EPROM. 16-bit arithmetic for algorithm calculations. 16 built-in levels of p. I and D gain each...
Displacement Measurement Using LVDT - LVDT Transducer with Displacement of ± 5mm transparent enclosure. Primary Excitation voltage of Sine wave 1V p-p On-board Digital Panel Meter provided. Output...
Displacement Measurement Using LVDT - LVDT Transducer with Displacement of ± 5mm transparent enclosure. Primary Excitation voltage of Sine wave 1V p-p On-board Digital Panel Meter provided. Output...
DSB/SSB AM Transmitter Trainer DSB/SSB AM Transmitter Trainer - Internal 300Hz to 3.4KHz Sinewave generator. 2 Nos. of balanced modulator with band pass filter (1...
DSB/SSB AM Receiver Trainer - DSB/SSB AM Receiver Trainer Frequency range of 525 to 1625Khz. Receiver CKT consist of RF amplifier, mixer, local oscillator, BFO, I...