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Human Eye With Eyelids Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


Human Eye With Eyelids Anatomy Model is 5 Times enlarged model includes eyelids representing the bony orbit with intraocular muscles, a tear duct, a...

Human Eye Demonstration Model For Biology Lab


Human Eye Demonstration Model's One side  shows the eye socket with a sagittal cut away and the other side of the model represents outside of the eye and all the muscle attachments, as we...

Human Eye Demonstration 5 Parts Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


Enlarged approx. 6 times, 5 parts mounted board.

Human Brain 4 Parts Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


This brain model divided medially in 4 parts. It shows the left, right cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem and along with blood vessels.

Human Brain 2 Parts Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


This brain model divided medially in 4 parts. It shows the left, right cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem and along with blood vessels.

Human Brain, 3 Parts With Head Anatomy Model For Biology Lab

It helps us in showing important parts of skull and cranial nerves, mounted on base

Human Brain With Arteries 9 Parts Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


This brain model shows the brain arteries, separate altogether into 9 parts but mounted in normal position on a base

Human Brain, With Arteries, 2 Parts Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


Human Brain, With Arteries, 2 Parts Anatomy Model shows the brain arteries, separate altogether into 9 parts but mounted in normal position on a base 

Human Head, Median And Frontal Section Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


Human Head, Median And Frontal Section Anatomy Model provides a superior understanding of the anatomical structures of the head and neck, mounted on board

Human Head And Neck Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


Human Head And Neck Anatomy  model  represent all  structures of the human head in great detail.

Human Ear 3 Parts Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


In this model of human ear The eardrum with malleus, incus and stapes are removable. The other removable parts are composed of: cochlea and labyrinth with vestibular and cochlear nerves, 2 bon...

Human Ear Giant 5X Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


It is used in showing outer, middle and inner ear, removable auditory osicles and labyrinth with cochlea and vestibulocochlear nerve.

Human Ear 4x Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


Human Ear 4x Anatomy Model is Dissectible into 3 parts it is also 4 times enlarged, and even explaining petros portion of the temporal bone section of the auditory canal is removed, tympanic m...

Human Larynx Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


Human Larynx Anatomy Model  is  Dissectible in 2 partsand it is of  full size even showing muscles, thyroid glands and larynx and  mounted on base with key card.

Human Heart 2 Parts Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


In this model interior heart wall can be taken out to show the left and right ventricles and atria as well as the tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral and aortic valves, mounted on base with stand

Human Heart 3 Times Life Size Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


It is sanctioned in such a way that  both ventricles and atria open to expose the valves & large blood vessels near the heart and musculature of the heart are also shown, mounted on base with Key...

Human Heart Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


It is removable from base and shows internal/external anatomy including valves, cardiac chambers, and pulmonary and systemic vascular structures. 

Human Heart, Economy Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


It shows two parts natural size, showing frontal section and the front of the heart on base, with key card 

Human Heart, 3 Parts Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


It shows 3 parts Bicuspid and tricuspid semilunar and sigmoid values on base, with key card

Human Heart, 4 Parts Anatomy Model For Biology Lab


This model can be cut into 4 pieces to take a closer look at the intricate inner structure.  

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