Same as Collapsible tube Filling Machine but Electrically Operated. Appropriate to fill tubes, bottles and so forth. In the scope of 5 gms to 90gms. Per stroke , mechanized worked (engine ½ Hpor DC adapted engine). The unit is Supplied finished with 3 set of standard spouts and all electrical accessories in the mechanized models..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering lab equipments, engineering equipment manufacturer india, engineering equipment india, chemical engineering lab equipments, control engineering laboratory equipments, control engineering laboratory equipment, control engineering lab equipment in Ambala, India.
Produced using imported perplex sheet (graduated) size8x8.
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering educational equipment, engineering equipments exporters, engineering equipments suppliers, engineering equipments supplier, engineering educational equipments, engineering equipments manufacturers in Ambala, India.
Tempered steel 6x1 vide edge, heavy adaptable, made from imported hardened steel with prevalent wooden handle..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering educational equipments india, engineering equipments distributors, engineering lab instruments, engineering equipments manufacturer, thermodynamics engineering equipment, engineering educational lab equipments in Ambala, India.
Made altogether from tempered steel, in two parts slopping towards the inside a little wedge over the entire length isolates the two parts, under the wedge gave a metal deplete pipe. Removable and replaceable by sliding IN or OUT blood and different liquids stream towards the focal point of the table, from where these trickle into the deplete pipe and brought through an end deplete tube to the repeatable after activity the entire best can be washed clean the deplete pipe expelled, cleared and replaced the S.S top is warmed an arrangement of electric lights, set to impact adjusted warmth conveyance, pooch holder with its S.S upright slide along space in the top valuable for settling extras. A.S.S swing plate is fitted on an upright in one corner of the best valuable for putting analyzing instruments frill and so on. Steel pipe outline handle and wheels for heart in moving. Table best size 51x18x40 high..
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering educational equipment, engineering equipments exporters, engineering equipments suppliers, engineering equipments supplier, engineering educational equipments, engineering equipments manufacturers in Ambala, India.
This model is miniaturized scale controller based.
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering educational equipments india, engineering equipments distributors, engineering lab instruments, engineering equipments manufacturer, thermodynamics engineering equipment, engineering educational lab equipments in Ambala, India.
Capacity a) 0-100 gm b) 0-200 gm.
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering educational equipments manufacturer, engineering educational equipments in india, physics lab engineering equipment suppliers, civil engineering lab equipments, civil engineering lab instruments, engineering equipment manufacturer in Ambala, India.
Mercury compose
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Dial Type.
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the bestengineering lab equipments exporters, engineering lab equipments manufacturers in india, engineering educational equipment manufacturer, mechanical engineering lab equipments suppliers, engineering lab equipments supplier, engineering educational equipment supplier in Ambala, India.
Dry Wet Bulb Thermometer
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering lab equipments manufacturer, engineering lab equipment supplier, mechanical engineering lab equipment suppliers in india, civil engineering lab equipment suppliers, civil engineering lab equipments manufacturers, engineering equipment supplier in Ambala, India.
A) Range 0-32%b) Range 28-62%c) Range 58-92%
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering lab instruments supplier, engineering lab equipments exporter, civil engineering lab equipments supplier, engineering lab equipment manufacturers, engineering lab equipment manufacturer, engineering lab instruments manufacturerin Ambala, India.