Our equipment allows thorough heat conduction tests with accurate results. These equipment can be availed for educational purposes in school, college and university labs as well as for industrial applications. Products are shipped from well-known traders to ensure time-tested quality products. Ray Export are leading in the Heat Transfer Lab Engineering Equipment, Heat Transfer Lab Equipment, Heat Transfer Laboratory Equipment, Engineering Lab Equipments, Heat Transfer Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Heat Transfer Lab Equipment India, Heat Transfer Lab Equipment Exporter, Heat Transfer Lab Equipment Supplies India.
The setup comprises of a radiator sandwiched between two arrangements of pieces. Three sorts of sections are given on either sides of radiator, which shapes a composite structure. A little hand squeeze outline is given to guarantee the ideal contact between the pieces. A variac is accommodated shifting the contribution to the warmer and Digital Voltmeter and Digital Ammeter show the warmth input. Warmth delivered by radiator streams pivotally on both the sides. Temperature Sensors are implanted between interfaces of sections to decide the temperature slope. The trial can be led at different estimations of information and computation can be made as needs be
To decide add up to warm protection and warm conductivity of composite divider
To plot temperature slope along composite divider structure
Utilities Required
Power Supply: 1Phase, 220 V AC, 2 Amp.
Table for set-up help
The setup is outlined and created to contemplate slacking marvel if there should be an occurrence of funnels. It comprises of three concentric channels of little thickness when contrasted with width and are orchestrated concentrically, and shut with the assistance of two circles. Two distinctive protecting materials fill the annuli between the barrels minimally. Temperature Sensors are fitted to gauge the temperature of pipe dividers for spiral outward warmth stream estimation. Inside the inward pipe, a Nichrome wire radiator is put pivotally. Warmth contribution to the warmer is given through a variac and estimated by Digital Voltmeter and Digital Ammeter. By shifting the warmth input rates, extensive variety of tests can be performed
To evaluate the real rate of warmth exchange through the composite barrels from the deliberate interface temperature of the known estimation of warm conductivity of the two protecting materials.
To decide the viable warm conductivity of the composite chambers
To decide the hypothetical temperature profile inside the composite chambers
Utilities Required
Power Supply: 1Phase, 220 V AC, 2 Amp.
Table for set-up help
It is a super-directing gadget and includes the exchange of warmth by bubbling and buildup of a liquid and thus exchange of warmth happens under almost isothermal condition. In this mechanical assembly the examination of warmth pipe with the copper pipe as great transmitter of warmth and with the stainless steel pipe as same material of development is made. It comprises of three indistinguishable barrel shaped conductors In regard of geometry. One end of these is warmed electrically while there are little limit tanks going about as warmth sinks at the opposite end. The unit comprises of a warmth pipe a copper pipe and a stainless steel pipe. Temperature sensors are implanted along the length to gauge the temperature dispersion and the warmth exchange rate is noted as far as the temperature ascend in the warmth sink tanks.
The execution of the warmth pipe as a super-directing gadget can be examined well as far as the temperature appropriation along the length at a given moment and can be contrasted and other two individuals. About isothermal temperature dispersion and quick ascent of temperature in warm sink tank uncovers the warmth pipe prevalence over the regular conductors
To show the super warm conductivity of Heat Pipe and to contrast its working and best conductor i.e. Copper pipe and Stainless steel pipe as same material of development.
To plot the temperature v/s time reaction of three funnels
To plot the temperature dispersion along the length of three channels
Utilities Required
Power Supply: 1Phase, 220 V AC, 2 Amp.
Table for set-up help
Protecting Powder Apparatus is intended to decide the warm conductivity of protecting powder. The Apparatus comprises of two thin-walled concentric copper circles. Internal circle houses Nichrome Wire warming curl. Protecting powder is filled between the circles. Warmth streams radially outwards. Temperature sensors at legitimate positions are fitted to quantify surface temperatures of circles. Warmth contribution to the radiator is given through a variac and estimated by Digital Voltmeter and Digital Ammeter. By fluctuating the warmth input rates, extensive variety of examinations can be performed
Assurance of warm conductivity of protecting powder
Examination of warm Conductivity of protecting powder at various temperatures
Utilities Required
Power Supply: 1Phase, 220 V AC, 2 Amp.
Table for set-up help
The exploratory set up comprises of metal bar, one end of which is warmed by an electric radiator while the opposite end of the bar extends inside the cooling water coat. A barrel shaped shell loaded with the asbestos protecting powder encompasses the center part of the bar. The temperature of the bar is estimated at various areas. Warmth Input to the radiator is given through variac and estimated by Digital Voltmeter and Digital Ammeter. By fluctuating the warmth input rates, extensive variety of examinations can be performed. Water under steady head condition is coursed through the coat and its stream rate and temperature rise is noted.
To plot the temperature appropriation along the length of Bar
To decide the warm conductivity of given bar at different temperatures
Utilities Required
Water supply 3 lit/min (approx.)
Power Supply: 1 Phase, 220 V AC 2 Amp.
Table for set-up help
The present mechanical assembly is intended to decide warm conductivities of various fluids. The mechanical assembly comprises of a warmer. The radiator warms a thin layer of fluid. A cooling plate expels warm through fluid layer, guaranteeing unidirectional warmth stream. Temperature is estimated over the fluid layer and finish get together is appropriately protected. A legitimate course of action for changing the fluids is given. The entire get together is kept in chamber.
Assurance of Thermal conductivity of various fluids and to make a near report
Investigation of variety of warm conductivity of various fluids with temperature
Utilities Required
Water supply 5 lit/min (approx.)
Power Supply: I Phase, 220 V AC, 2 Amp.
Table for set-up help
The setup is intended to contemplate the warmth move in a stick blade. It comprises of stick write blade fitted in pipe. A fan is given on one side of pipe to lead tests under constrained draft conditions. Wind stream rates can be fluctuated with the assistance of damper gave in the conduit. A warmer warms one end of blade and warmth streams to another end. Warmth contribution to the radiator is given through Variac. Advanced Temperature Indicator measures temperature conveyance along the blade.
To contemplate temperature appropriation along the length of blade in both Free and constrained convection
Correlation of hypothetical temperature appropriation with tentatively acquired circulation
Utilities Required
Power Supply: 1 Phase, 220 V AC, 5 Amp.
Table for set-up help
The contraption comprises of Blower unit fitted with the test pipe. Nichrome wire warmer encompasses the test segment. Four Temperature Sensors are implanted on the test area, two put noticeable all around stream at the passageway and exit of the test segment to gauge the gulf and outlet air temperature. Test pipe is associated with the conveyance side of the blower alongside the Orifice to gauge stream of air through the pipe. Consistent warmth motion is given to pipe by an electric warmer through a variac and estimated by Digital Voltmeter and Digital Ammeter.
To decide normal surface warmth exchange coefficient for a pipe losing heat by constrained convection.
Examination of warmth exchange coefficient for various wind stream rates and warmth stream rates.
To plot surface temperature appropriation along the length of pipe
Utilities Required
Power Supply: 1 Phase, 220 V AC, 10Amp.
Floor region of 1.2mx 0.5m
The setup comprises of a metal tube fitted in a rectangular conduit in a vertical design. The channel is open at the best and base, and structures a nook and fills the need of undisturbed encompassing. One side of the conduit is fitted with a straightforward decent quality Acrylic window for representation. An electric warming component is kept in the vertical tube that in turns warms the tube surface. The warmth is lost from the tube to the encompassing air by characteristic convection. The temperature of the vertical tube is measure by Temperature Sensors and showed by a Digital Temperature Indicator with multi-channel switch. The warmth contribution to the radiator is estimated by a Digital Ammeter and a Digital Voltmeter and is differed by a variac. The tube surface is cleaned to limit the radiation misfortunes.
To decide normal warmth exchange coefficient
Utilities Required
Power Supply: I Phase, 220 V AC, 2 Amp.
Table for set-up help
The present Set-up is intended to gauge the emissivity of test plate. The test plate involves a mica radiator sandwiched between two round plates. Dark plate is indistinguishable with test plate, yet its surface is darkened. As all the physical properties, measurement and temperature are equivalent; warm misfortunes from the two plates will be same aside from radiation misfortune. Thus the information distinction will be because of contrast in emissivity. The two plates are upheld on singular sections in a wooden walled in area with one side glass to guarantee consistent climatic conditions. Temperature Sensors are given to quantify the temperature of each plate and encompassing. Supply is given to radiators through independent variacs so temperatures of both can be kept equivalent and is estimated with Digital Voltmeter and Digital Ammeter.
Deciding the Emissivity of a test plate.
Concentrate the variety of emissivity of test plate regarding total temperature.
Utilities Required
Power Supply: 1Phase, 220 VAC, 4 Amp.
Table for set-up help