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Electrical engineering coach Aluminum profile solid level board (table best) framework, conveying different high voltage parts housed in plastic fenced in areas (board) to limit stun probability. I...
Electric Arc Welding Set
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering lab equipments, engineering equip...
Electrical machine mentor Trainer comprise of 3HP DC engine and synchronous engine, , RPM test, voltmeter ampere meter board. Info dc , Consist of 2 nos of (96x96mm) Analogmeters one each for 3 ph....
Electrical Distribution Trainer Specifications:It is fitted with Digital voltmeter, ammeter to record the readings.Distribution Protection with 3 Phase Over Voltage, Under Voltage consolidated and ...
Electrical apparatuses trainer Complete showing for clothes washer circuits in view of one of the residential popular and simple composed washing machine. Several test focuses for estimating signal...
Test case on defensive measures and wellbeing This has test directs which are given toward measure the voltages at various focuses; the offered security coach is composed using top review material ...
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering educational equipment, en...
Whirlpool CURENT Possibility of deformities discovery: Depth = from 0.1 mm Opening = from 0.002 mm Operating recurrence: setup run from 50 Hz to 12 MHz Generator yield voltage (twofold adequacy): f...
Electrochemical machining (ECM) Machine Beige polypropylene, one piece with get to boards. Lift up observe through entryways, working Start/Stop. 2x2000A 0-20 Volts. Over-current & Short Circui...
Electro - Chemical Metal Etching Machine
Contact Ray Export for your School, College Civil and Mechanical Engineering Lab Instruments. We are the best engineering educational equipment, e...
The learning board implied entirely for instructive intention is an ease CPU target board to begin learning 8051 and create application for assortment of interface...
The Educational learning Board for MSP430 features the MSP430F672X/3X game plan of low power 16-bit microcontrollers. This board contains arrangement of locally...
The Educational learning Board for ARM9 jogs the Atmel's AT91RM9200 SoC (System-on-chip) which is worked around the 200 MIPS ARM920T ARM Thumb processor with co...
The Educational learning Board for ATMEL SAM9G45 is a full-highlighted assessment board in light of the ATMEL's new processor – AT91SAM9G45 which keeps runnin...
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Embedded Trainer has been outlined by utilizing Microchip PIC16F877 Microcontroller. This controller gives in-framework and in addition in circuit programming so one might have ...