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Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Equipment

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Equipment Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Equipment in India,

We are one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Equipments. Our range of equipments includes Deep Freezer Vertical, Freeze Drier (Lypholizer), Ice Flaker Machine & Ultra Low Deep Freezer. Ray Export are leading in the Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Engineering Equipment, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Equipment, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Laboratory Equipment, Engineering Lab Equipments, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Equipment India, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Equipment Exporter, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Equipment Suppliers India.

Heat Pump Trainer

Warmth Pump Trainer The Heat Pump Trainer is intended to contemplate working of Heat Pump & investigate execution of Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle. The coach comprises of a hermetically fixed compressor, Water Cooled Condenser, extension gadget & water evaporator. CFC Free refrigerant R134a is utilized as a part of the mentor. The estimating instruments are given to quantify Temperature & weight of refrigerant cycle, Refrigerant Flow, Water Flow Rate & Power Supplied to compressor. Test CAPABILITIES: • Demonstration of Heat Pump Cycle. • Calculation of coefficient of execution of Refrigeration & Heating Cycle. • Plotting Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram. Determinations: • Compressor: Hermetically Sealed, Capacity ¼ Ton, 230 V AC. • Condenser: Water Cooled Condenser, Shell & Tube Type • Evaporator: Water Evaporator, Tube in Tube Type • Expansion Device: Capillary Tube • Refrigerant Flowmeter: Glass Tube Rotameter for Refrigerant Flow • Water Flowmeter: For estimating Condenser & Evaporator Water Flow – 2 Nos. • Pressure measure: 0 to 300 PSI • Compound check: - 30 to 150 PSI • Temperature Sensors: Pt 100 temperature sensors – 8 Nos. • Temperature Indicator: 8 Channel Indicator with Selector Switch, Range 0-199.9 °C • Frame: Made of M.S. Square Tubes & Sheets, Welded & Powder covered..

Ice Plant Test Rig 1

Ice Plant Test Rig The unit empowers the understudies to think about the Basic Principals of ice plant cycle inside a brief period. The test fix is intended for the investigation of thermodynamics of vapor Compression refrigeration cycle by method for exhibit and experimentation. It has an office to quantify different parameters for experimentation. Ice jars are kept in fluid tank, which is cooled by the refrigerant evaporator. As ordinary ice plants take 12-24 hours to finish the cycle, this ice plant is uncommonly intended to exhibit procedure of ice arrangement to be finished inside time of 4 hours and consequently it is most appropriate for research facility utilize. EXPERIMENTATION: Ø To consider the working of Ice Plant. Ø To Study the cooler circuit. Ø To Calculate Co-proficient of execution UTILITIES REQUIRED : Electric supply : Single Phase, 220V AC, 50 Hz, 10 Amp with earth association . Ø Water supply and seepage Ø Floor region : 1.5 m x 1m Ø Ethyl Glycolet: 25 Ltr. Specialized DETAILS : Compressor : Hermitically fixed compressor, Kirloskar make. Tank : The inward tank should be created out of stainless Steel. Condenser : Air cooled good to compressor Condenser Cooling fan : Compatible limit with changeless greased up engine. Evaporator : Made of Stainless Steel, Insulated with earthenware fleece/puf. Development Device : Capillary Tube Compatible limit. Weight Gauges : 2 Nos. Security Control : Overload and over current defenders for compressor and Time defer circuit. Temperature Sensor : RTD PT-100 Type. Control Panel contains : Digital Voltmeter : 0-300 V Digital Ammeter : 0-5 Amp. Temperature Measurement : Digital Temperature Indicator with multi-channel switch. Direction Manual : An ENGLISH guideline manual will be given .

Re-Circulating Air Conditioning Trainer

Re-Circulating Air Conditioning Trainer The re-circling aerating and cooling coach is intended to contemplate distinctive ventilating forms & execution examination of refrigeration cycle in Air Conditioning. The coach comprises of an aerated and cooled chamber which houses the electric load bank. The warmer load is controlled by a dimmer. There are three conduits, each for Fresh Air, Recirculated Air & Exhaust Air. Every pipe is fitted with damper to control measure of air moving through it. With a specific end goal to examine Humidification process a Steamer is likewise given. The refrigeration framework comprises of a hermetically fixed compressor, air cooled condenser, extension gadget & finned tube evaporator. The evaporator curl is fitted inside the delta pipe. Refrigerant R-22 is utilized as a part of the mentor. The estimating instruments are given to quantify Temperature & weight of refrigerant cycle, Refrigerant Flow, Power Supplied to compressor & Heater Load. Exploratory CAPABILITIES: • Demonstration of Air Conditioning Cycle. • Calculation of coefficient of execution in Air Conditioning • To examine impact of distribution of Air on execution of Air molding framework • Plotting Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram • To contemplate Humidification & Dehumidification Process • Plotting Air Conditioning Process on Psychometric Chart SPECIFICATIONS: • Compressor: Hermetically Sealed, Capacity 1 Ton, 230 V AC. • Condenser: Finned Copper Tube Condenser with condenser fan & engine • Evaporator: Finned Copper Tube Evaporator with evaportator fan & engine • Expansion Device: Capillary Tube • Steamer: Electrically Heated Steamer for Humidification Process • Air Pre Heater: 500 W, 230 V AC • Pressure Switch: Low/High Pressure Safety Switch • Thermostat: Mechanical Thermostat for Room Temperature Control • Flowmeter: Glass Tube Rotameter for Refrigerant Flow • Pressure check: 0 to 500 PSI • Compound measure: - 30 to 150 PSI • Electric Heater: Capacity 2 kW, Supply 230 V AC • Dimmer: Range 0-250 V AC, 2 kW • Digital Voltmeter: Range 0-500 V AC • Digital Ammeter: Range 0-10 An AC • Temperature Sensors: Pt 100 temperature sensors – 8 Nos. • Temperature Indicator: 8 Channel Indicator with Selector Switch, Range 0-199.9 °C • Frame: Made of M.S. Square Tubes & Sheets, Welded & Powder covered..

Refrigeration Test Rig

Refrigeration Test Rig The set up exhibits the understudies about the fundamental primary of a refrigeration cycle. The test fix is intended for the investigation of thermodynamics of vapor Compression refrigeration cycle by method for showing and experimentation. It has an office to gauge different parameters for experimentation. EXPERIMENTATION: Ø To ascertain refrigerant limit. Ø To Study the Vapor Compression cooler cycle. Ø To Calculate Co-proficient of execution and draw P-H Diagram. UTILITIES REQUIRED : Electric supply 5A-220 V AC Water supply and seepage Floor territory : 1.5 m x 1m TECHNICAL DETAILS : Compressor : Hermitically fixed compressor. Limit 1/3 Ton, Kirloskar make. Instigator : Compatible limit. Condenser : Air cooled good to 1/3 Toncompressor Condenser Cooling fan : Compatible limit with permanentlubricated engine. Evaporator : Made of Stainless Steel, Insulated withceramic fleece/P.U.F. Rotameter : Range 6 to 60 LPH Expansion Device : Capillary Tube, Compatible Capacity. Weight Gauges : 2 Nos.Safety Control : over-burden and over current defenders for compressor and Time defer circuit.Temperature Sensor : RTD PT-100 Type. Control Panel includes : Digital Voltmeter : 0-300 V .

Vapour Compression Refrigeration Trainer

Vapor Compression Refrigeration Trainer The vapor pressure refrigeration mentor is intended to dissect execution of Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle. The coach comprises of a hermetically fixed compressor, air cooled condenser, extension gadget & curled evaporator. The evaporator curl is inundated in a water tank fitted with electric radiator. The radiator stack is controlled by a dimmer. CFC Free refrigerant R134a is utilized as a part of the mentor. The estimating instruments are given to gauge Temperature & weight of refrigerant cycle, Refrigerant Flow, Power Supplied to compressor & Heater Load. Exploratory CAPABILITIES: • Demonstration of Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle. • Calculation of coefficient of execution of Refrigeration Cycle • Plotting Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram SPECIFICATIONS: • Compressor: Hermetically Sealed, Capacity ¼ Ton, 230 V AC. • Condenser: Finned Copper Tube Condenser with condenser fan & engine • Evaporator: Coiled Evaporator inundated in Water • Expansion Device: Capillary Tube • Flowmeter: Glass Tube Rotameter for Refrigerant Flow • Pressure measure: 0 to 300 PSI • Compound check: - 30 to 150 PSI • Water Circulating Pump • Electric Heater: Capacity 1 kW, Supply 230 V AC • Dimmer: Range 0-250 V AC, 4 A • Digital Voltmeter: Range 0-500 V AC • Digital Ammeter: Range 0-5 An AC • Temperature Sensors: Pt 100 temperature sensors – 5 Nos. • Temperature Indicator: 8 Channel Indicator with Selector Switch, Range 0-199.9 °C • Frame: Made of M.S. Square Tubes & Sheets, Welded & Powder covered..

Air Conditioning System with Climate Chamber

Specialized Description This coach with a total aerating and cooling framework gives a thorough scope of investigations on indoor ventilation building. It has a molding chamber in the control circle. The chamber is sufficiently extensive for individuals to remain in, so it is feasible for the understudies to research the impact of different atmospheres in light of their own discernment. The framework parts, (for example, spiral fan, electrical warmer, steam air humidifier and refrigeration set) are for the most part ordinarily utilized as a part of business aerating and cooling and ventilation designing. The framework is worked utilizing a DDC control processor that likewise has a RS232 interface. This encourages programmed and manual activity.

Domestic Air Conditioning Simulator

Specialized Description The recreates the normal cycle of a cooling framework and shows thermostatic control of the temperature. The front board indicates 3 unique sorts of residential cooling framework (versatile and settled split plan; conservative outline). And additionally an illustration of the framework and a framework chart, there are 2 potentiometers for contribution of the outside and target room temperatures of every framework. The set temperature esteems are exchanged to the reproduction programming by means of USB link. State changes of the potentiometers promptly impact the recreation, enabling responses in the cycle to be watched. And also demonstrate determination and blame administration, the product gives 4 additionally sees: framework with current room temperatures and warmth streams; framework outline with current room temperatures, temperatures and weights in the refrigeration circuit and settings for the weight switch in the 2 split frameworks; p-h state graph; estimated values after some time..

Full Scale Air Conditioning Trainer

Specialized Description The exploratory set-up constitutes a genuine aerating and cooling framework. The execution of the framework is adequate to aerate and cool a research center room. The aerating and cooling framework contains a channel embed, a blower with electronically controlled speed, a direct evaporator, an electric warming curl and a humidification segment. The accompanying capacities are accessible: Heating/cooling and humidifying/dehumidifying. For these reasons the parts can be controlled either independently in manual mode or by a focal PLC climatic controller in programmed mode. The climatic controller enables temperature and stickiness to be controlled autonomously. The clock program enables qualities to be differed during that time or as the week progressed, as, all things considered. Weight misfortune can be estimated in each area of the channel. Every prevalent part, for example, channels, radiators/coolers, louvered folds, outlets, examination folds and fire dampers are fitted and can be clarified. A standard association nozzle allows a connection to an outside ventilation framework, with the goal that a current room can be aerated and cooled. As a result of the warmth it disperses, the condenser isn't introduced in the space to be aerated and cooled. The very much organized instructional material frameworks the mechanical basics and gives a well ordered guide through the examinations..

HVAC Simulator- Engineering Lab Training Systems

Specialized Description Modern DDC frameworks incorporate control, enhancement and observing capacities. This benchtop unit reenacts a warming circuit with local water warming and a ventilation and cooling framework with blended air control. Different working conditions and control modes can be set up. It is likewise conceivable to reenact blames in the framework and to watch the subsequent conduct. Utilizing the benchtop demonstrator the activity of complex building administration frameworks can be mimicked..

Industrial Air Conditioning Controls

Specialized Description The intended for examinations, recreations, and blame finding on standard electrical parts ordinarily utilized as a part of cooling and refrigeration hardware. The benchtop unit shows the electrical circuit for a cooling framework with summer and winter mode. Compressor, fan and warmer are recreated. All other electrical segments are industry standard segments. The circuit graph for the framework is imprinted on the front board. Lab attachments empower estimating instruments to be associated for blame finding. Up to 30 deficiencies can be activated by the teacher so the understudies can figure out how to deliberately discover and settle shortcomings..
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