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Comprises of two C.I, Flanges tapped with British standard pipethreads. Finish with sharp edge-round, square,rectangular and triangular metal opening plates. Apair of brasscocks are given to association with manometer. (A) 1" (25mm) (b) 1W' (38mm) (c) 2" (50mm)
Because of Sudden Enlargement, Contractlon Etc The Unit is comprising of six G.!. pipes around 3 meters in length of ostensible measurements 40, 30,25, 20, 12 and 9 mmand the seventh line of 25 mm pipe having twists, elbows, and sudden growth at interims, Complete with a straightforward sort of venturimeter, stop cocks, and separate control valves. With appropriate mountingarrangement on two steel channels.Without establishment jolts andwithout manometer. (b) Collectlng Tanks Size 80x80x90 cm, finish with mind rooster, measure glass and scale adjusted in cms and liters. (c) Collecting Tanks Sie 80x80x90 cms in solid steel sheet and edge Iron casing work, separated into two water tight compartments each having a measure glass and scale callibrated in cms and liters and furthermore a fast deplete chicken..
This unit comprises of a bureau which houses the apparatus systemand engine mounted on a strong edge press base. The loadingis done through the base stacking plate which is carried on alead screw. The headway of this lead screw is secured against turning by a sliding key. The best section is adjustablein tallness and conveys hexagonal connector for taking standardproving rings. The instrument is fitted with an engine operatingon 220/230 volts, single stage, 50 cycles: AC supply. Theload outline is intended for the accompanying rates of movement of thelead screw. 0.025 mm/min ; 0.05 mm/min. 0.125 mm/min ; 0.25 mm/min ; 0.5 mm/min. 625 mm/min ; 1.25 mm/min..
The extractor outline has been intended to extricate specimenform relatively every sort of testing tube, shape is generaluse in soil designing research center or in the field. This has theadvantage that it can be mounted vertically or horizontaly asdesired. Three 1¥2 inch distance across tests can be collectedinto three 1 Y2 inch breadth tubes from one 4 inch diasample .This is an exceptional element which guarantees the economicuse of the example in an undisturbed state.It includes an edge intended for screw jack task, oneeach of the connectors and plunger connectors for estimate 1.5 dia 3inch measurement 4 inch width, 6 inch distance across and a stand toobtain at the same time three 1.5 inch measurement tests formone 4 inch breadth test. The push plate which slidesalong the opened backings can be clasped at any desiredposition by methods for locking nut. Other than this, the tube ormould can be held in position by raising the tube guides andheld in position with locking screws. The lead screwmovement can be ceased at any foreordained position bytightening the lead screw locking neckline by methods for setscrew.
(a) Two barrels of various diameterspenetrating one another at right edges. (B) Two chambers of various diameterswith obliquepenetration. (c) A barrel joint a cone withoblique entrance. (d) Acone and chamber with infiltration at right points. (e) Two cones at right edges. (f) Two square crystals of various sizes at right points. (g) Two square crystals at sideways points. (h) Sphere and cone at focus. (I) Sphere and chamber flighty. j) Sphere and barrel at focus.
With Straight Line Properly developed model. Finish on base board.
A steel outline mounted on overwhelming cast base with levellingscrews. Upper end of the pole under test is held in a centringchuck and the lower end is clipped into the pivot of a tortion.drum which can be turned by placing load in the scale panpassing more than two frictionless pulleys. Freelysliding three round scales graduated in singledegrees can be clasp d at any position. Threepointers for clasping to the test pole areprovided. Finish with three test rods,strings, and two scale dish, however withoutweights
Basic however extremely proficient comprising of 10 cm metal scale andvernier to peruse 0.1 mmwith slide. Finish on the off chance that with wire,ceiling connection and consistent cast press weight.
Comprising of a tubular compressionbalance turned around a hub fitted tothe base. The tie chain has anadjustable edge section and fitted with a10 kg augmentation adjust. Finish on wooden base with1.2meter jibwithoutweights
Cast aluminum really machined models. a) Flat Belt Pulley, b) Rope Pulley, c) 'V' Belt Pulley, D) Cone or Step Pulley,.