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Meets the necessities according to Seems to be: 1205 For deciding thetemperature at which an example of bituminous material dropsa determined separation when warmed under prescribedconditions and stacked by 3/8 inch distance across steel ball. Twosimultaneous test can be completed. The gear issupplied finish with measuring utencil however without thermometer.
IS : 1203 : IS : 310 (Part II) For testing a wide assortment ofmaterials, for example, oil, bitumen, tar wax, clean, sustenance stuff,rubber, black-top and pharmaceutical creams. By applying agiven constrain over a given timeframe misery is influenced inthe to test which might be estimated in tenths of a millimeterand communicated as an infiltration number. Comprising of a head bolster, mounted on a vertical rodwhich can be balanced four stature. A rack and pinion andpointer get together gives fine change of needle or conetip to test and consolidates slipping grip mechanismwhich makes perusing infiltration consequent re-setting asimple and precise task. The dial is moved on from 0400in one tenth millimeter sub division. Finish withplunger and weight of 54 gms. Without cone or needle. (b) Cone for use with the above. (c) Needle for use with the above
This meter is utilized uncommonly formeasuring stream of water inshallow streams, irrigationchannels and minors where thevelocity and profundity of water is deficient for obtainingmeasurements with expansive meters. This compose is of a little sizewith a solitary insurgency contact box. The meter is extremelysensitive to low speed. Embellishments incorporate wadding rodone meter since quite a while ago graduated at interims with its base plate andclamp, earphone with important association. dry cellbattery, electric link fitted with clasps and fittings, duster,screw driver, forceps to modify wire, and oil stick. Dulycalibrated by Gov!. look into station and pressed in a wellpolished wooden box..
An exceptionally valuable and mainstream instrument for use in hydrauliclaboratories. Comprising of a pole pivoting in bearing settled toa stationery outline. The pole is parallel to the elementoperates a contact component and number of the operationsare additionally enrolled by an electric tallying machine. Thecurrent meter is precisely aligned and is finished in apolished wooden kid with following extras. I) A lightcase involving an electric counter, push catch, dry celland protected interfacing wires. Ii) Stainless steel swimming bar with stand, one meter long intwo areas, graduated at each 10 cm..
In five figures, working with dry cell battery fitted withnecessary association having on and 01 switch. In a steelbox, appropriate for a water momentum meter. 388.
This is a standard container write current meter, appropriately aligned by Govt. examine station furnished with rating graph. It is a solid & inconvenience free instrument 391 legitimately housed in a wooden box with following accessories:(I) Yoke with container wheel assembly.(iI) Magnetic contact Chamber.(Iii) Proximity switch fixed in a metal nook, formedon the chamber plate.(Iv) Tail blade with check nut and adjust weight.(V) Two center electric cabel, 10 meter long. Vi) 10 meter suspension aroused steel wire rope, of About 3mm dia, with hanging course of action at bothends.(vii) Cast press angle weight of close around 10 kg. in weight and chrome covered M.S. tie bar with gaps, are pressed separate In wooden box.(viii) Tools: Screw Driver, Spanner, Oil can, Forceps, endDuster(ix) To record the quantity of unrests of the container wheel a programmed electromagnetic (non resettable)digit counters provided in box with streak light, switch and battery box.(B) With an electronic clock which is associated with the circuit of the programmed counter. The clock stopsrecording 3 following 40,60, or 80 seconds as wanted..
This is a standard glass write currentmeter, properly aligned by Govt. researchstation gave rating outline. It is areliable & inconvenience free instrument 391properly housed in a wooden box withfollowing embellishments: (I) Yoke with glass wheel get together. (iI) Magnetic contact Chamber. (Iii) Proximity switch fixed in a metal fenced in area, formedon the chamber plate. (Iv) Tail balance with check nut and adjust weight. (V) Two center electric cabel, 10 meter long. (Vi) 10 meter suspension stirred steel wire rope, ofAbout 3mm dia, with hanging course of action at bothends. (vii) Cast press angle weight of close around 10 kg. in weightand chrome covered M.S. tie bar with openings, are packedseparate In wooden box. (viii) Tools: Screw Driver, Spanner, Oil can, Forceps, endDuster (ix) To record the quantity of upsets of the glass wheel anautomatic electromagnetic (non resettable) 5 digitcounters provided in box with streak light, switch andbattery box. (B) With an electronic clock which is associated with thecircuit of the programmed counter. The clock stopsrecording 3 following 40,60, or 80 seconds as wanted. Butwilhout Govt. Research Station Ratingchart. With working directions
It is exceptionally delicate accuracy instrument which Is a logical guide to be introduced at measuring locales on trench frameworks to control release for retticient administration. It can likewise record of esteeming levels of supplies, wells, streams, and waterways etc.A drifting item, in secured area, is lifted or brought down consistently by shifting level. This here and there development of the buoy can be transmitted to a pulley through a buoy line running over it and having a stabilizer to encourage development of the pulley. The round development of the Pulley rises to the vertical development of the buoy can be transmitted to an outline drum straightforwardly. Aclock driven pen moving crosswise over thechart drum at consistent speed at right edges to the course of the rakish development, constantly records the adjustment in water level time.(a) Daily type(b) Weekly compose.
18' feet long in three pieces G.I. Pipe 3/4" measurement 6 ft longeach piece collapsing type gentle steel outline, with operationhandle. Without bottle..
18' feet long in three pieces G.I. Pipe 3/4" breadth 6 ft longeach piece collapsing type mellow steel outline, with operationhandle. Without bottle..