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Diverse writes for different sorts of non-recording raingauges. (I) Plastic Jar to record 12.5 mm. of rain. Reasonable for rain.Gauge No. 441 (ii) Glass Jar to record rain upto 20 mm of rain reasonable forrain check No. 441 (iii) Glass Jar to record rain upto 25 mmrain appropriate for raingauges No. 441 &445 (vi) Glass Jar appropriate for rain guage No. 446 & 448 (v) GlassJar Suitable for rain measure No. 447
For exhibiting the arrangement of mists. Comprises of aglass globule with a tube having two openings. To the largeropening is connected an elastic globule; to the next an elastic tubeand a squeeze chicken for the presentation of gas. At the point when rubberbulb is documented with water, compacted, and after that discharged, adense cloud will be shaped k1 glass globule.
According to 151 Specification No. IS 5912-70. The instrument has a glass wheel comprising of three tapered mugs in a level plane. The glass wheel shaft Is of stainless steel and associated by worm outfitting to an unrest counter mounted in a water evidence lodging. By watching the counter perusing toward the start and end 01 a time of intrigue the normal breeze speed amid the Interval can be calucl:1lated. The C0unter watching window is inclined to allow simple perusing when mounted on the pole.
This is an exactness instrument which demonstrates tallness abovesea level (or elevation). The standard utilized is that of asensitive aneroid indicator which reacts to a smallvariations in air weight. The changing pressurewhich happens at various elevations are shown, on the dial interms. of stature above ocean level. Imported. Able tomeasure tallness upto 4000 meter above ocean level.
It Is more helpful to watch thetortion delivered in poles of varyinglength between 1 meter to 2 meter.The unit incorporates two overwhelming clamps,one of which is fitted with a wheelgraduated in 90-0-90 degrees and can be perused to 0.1 degreeby a vernier gadget, a concentric toss is additionally fitted with thewheel. The other section conveys a chuch furnished with threenipping screws. Finish with 4 bars of around 6 mm, 8 mm,9.5 mm and 12.5 mm dia, snare and belt, buit withoutweights.
Sham model, made of wooden and metallic parts, showingMotor, Compressor, Condenser, Fan, Valves, Expansionpipe and so forth wonderfully painted white.
This is a working model mounted on cast Iron base. Turbinepump is fitted at the base and 220 volts A.C. engine at thetop. Finish with line &plug.
An all metallic little size no working model,useful to exhibit the constructional subtle elements as it were. It shows how airpressure In a chamber provlde4s forcethrough the valve and pipe. Without pipe lineand tanks.
It Is fitted on a slanted plane compose wooden base withadjustable 50 cm scale. The slanted appendage Is skilled to swivelround Its association. With graduated circular segment and levellingscrews.
Measure 150x50x3Q cms firmly made isteel and point press outline havinglongitudinal parcels pr vided witharrangement for taking the variousinterchangeable indents. Completewith snare measure perusing to 1/10 mm. bewilder plates, draincock and with reasonable overwhelming stand. (b) Set of Ten Triangular and Rectangular Notch PlatesMade of weapon metal, reasonable for use with the above weir tank.Dimensions of scores are as under Rectangular Notch Plates Vee Notch Plates Sr. Width Depth S.No. Cms. Edge 1. 5.0 1. 5.0 90 2. 6.0 2. 8.0 90 3. 8.0 3. 12.0 60 4. 12.0 4. 12.0 55 5. 15.0 5. 15.0 45.