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(A) Steel shape form 2.58 " for vibrating machine completewith Base plate. (B) - do - 50 mmx 50 mmx50mm sizes. (c) Cast Iron 3D square form finish with base plate size:5cm x 5 cm x 5 cm. (D) - do - 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm Size. (E) - do - 15 cm x 15 cm x 15cm . estimate. (F) - do - 20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm..
Cast Iron round and hollow molds 15 mmdia x 30 cm high completewith base plate. (B) Size 10 cm x 20 cm.
For the assurance of mass thickness or unitweight of totals. Aligned round and hollow measures ofsheet press with handles. Measures of following sizes are accessible : (I) 3 Liters (ii) 15 Liters (iii) 30 Liters limit (b) Spare Accessory. Packing Rod cycle 16 mm dia and 0.6meter long
For thickness tests on totals as per theprocedure set down. Made of stirred wire mesh.Ruggedly developed, around 20 cm dia x 20 cm high.Complete with handle..
It Is called 15 cm extensiometer. I! is made of firearm metal andcomprises of an exact pivoted ring with stainless steel setscrews held properly by a spring. The augmentation is on a dialgauge. I! Is reasonable for 15 cm x 30 cm tube shaped test molds. I! has a control bar settled on the two finishes of the expansion rodwith screws. At the point when the test example has been held by thestainless set screws the control bar is discharged and theinstrument Is in activity. The augmentation is perused, while thetest example is under pressure test, on the dial gauge,which' is settled to the extensometer. The dial marker whichreads to 0.0005" or .01 mm measure demonstrates the averageextension on the sides of the example.
This is utilized for deciding the workability ofbuilding limes. The stream table comprises of a 30 cm. dia groundand cleaned steel plate with three recorded annular circles,7, 11 and 19 ams dia. furthermore, masterminded by cam activity to have afree fall of 12.5 mm. Provided finish with metal conicalmould, 65 mm. dia of bigger end, 40 mm. dia of tight end, 90mm. high.
IS : 2386 (Part II) For assurance of the prolongation list ofaggregates..
IS: 1199-1959: IS: 4031-1968: It is utilized to quantify theDrying shrinkage of solid, autoclave development ofportland concrete and potential extensive reactivity of bond Aggregate blends in mortar bars amid stockpiles. The instrument comprises of a chanelled base over which twovertical columns are settled. A cross plate climbs and down at the best. The dial gauge,reading to .002 mm. x 12 mm would e be able to settled to the best crossPlate. The plunger Aend of the dial measure can be found upona 6.5 mm. dia bailor other reference point established in thespecimen. On the base there Is a comparable recessed seating inwhich can be found a moment ball or reference point in thespecimen. Finish with a stainless steel institutionalization bar with 6.5mm. dia ball mounted in the finishes. The unit is provided with a.01 x 10 mmdial check
IS : 269 : Weight 7.5 ozs. roughly. Best quality withhard wood handle..
IS : 1199 For deciding the work capacity of cement wherethe ostensible most extreme size of the total does noteexceed 38 mm. Comprises of a droop cone with handles andfoot pieces, which moves uninhibitedly finished and upright pole mountedon a steel base plate 50 cm x 50 cm. Adetachable cross pieceis settled as a batum for estimating the droop. Finish withone packing bar, 16 mm dia x 0.6 mm. long. (B) As above however Ktype.