science lab equipment manufacturer

Mechanical Operation Lab

Mechanical Operation Lab Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in India

Ray Export is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Mechanical Operation Lab in India,

Manufacturers & Bulk Exporters of Scientific & Laboratory Equipment Suppliers for Schools, Colleges, Research Laboratories. Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab Supplies Lab. Ray Export offering you an entire alternative of merchandise that embody laboratory ball mill, cyclone apparatus equipment, gyratory sieve shaker, laboratory jaw device, leaf filter and plate frame filter press. Ray Export are leading in the Mechanical Operation Lab Engineering Equipment, Mechanical Operation Lab, Mechanical Operation Laboratory Equipment, Engineering Lab Equipments, Mechanical Operation Lab Manufacturer, Mechanical Operation Lab India, Mechanical Operation Lab Exporter, Mechanical Operation Lab Supplies India.

Tamping Rod


It is made of steel, 16 mm. in breadth, 0.6 m. since quite a while ago androunded at the lower end.

Standard Spatula


According to May be :.269 : Spatula Is utilized while throwing a cementbriquette. The standard spatula comprises of a steel sharp edge ofspecified shape. A wooden handle is settled to the stem of theblade. The weight does not surpasses 340 gms..

Thickness Gauge


IS : 2386 (Part II) Used for deciding flakeness file ofaggregates. It comprises of a casing with a . sliding board. Thepanel has openings of various standard length and widths. Thedimensions of the spaces are cut-precise inside normaltolerances.

Tensile (Briquette) Testing Machine


Malleable testing machine for bond according to IS : 269 : handoperated and appropriate for ductile test upo 12000 Ibs. or on the other hand 540kgs. The machine comprises of a steel yard having twofold scale100 Ibs. x 1lbs. one side and 50 kgs. x .05 kg. on the other anda lever arm mounted on a strong edge. Blade edges andbearing are of unique solidified steel. The example gripsare made of firearm metel to hold the stadard briquette intoalignment previnting inclinations to parallel pressure. A containerfitted on a section conveys the vital amount of lead shots which lIows through Its exit tubne into the lower suspended compartment. The rate of stream of these lead shots is controlled in a way that it consequently stops when the example under test breaks. Provided finish with One standard Briquette form, weapon metal, one Trowel, one standard spatula. Two arrangements of weights one including 4 oz." 8 oz. 12 oz. what's more, 1 Ib, direcUy to measure 100 Ibs. 200 Ibs. 300 Ibs. also, 500 Ibs. Second set including 125 gms. 250 gms 500 gms and 750 gms specifically to weight 50 kg. 100 gk. 2OOkg and 300 kg respecitvely. Hand operted without sead shots, (b) Above, electrically worked.

Vee Bee Conslstometer


Malleable testing machine for bond according to IS : 269 : handoperated and appropriate for ductile test upo 12000 Ibs. or on the other hand 540kgs. The machine comprises of a steel yard having twofold scale100 Ibs. x 1lbs. one side and 50 kgs. x .05 kg. on the other anda lever arm mounted on a strong edge. Blade edges andbearing are of unique solidified steel. The example gripsare made of firearm metel to hold the stadard briquette intoalignment previnting inclinations to parallel pressure. A containerfitted on a section conveys the vital amount of lead shots which lIows through Its exit tubne into the lower suspended compartment. The rate of stream of these lead shots is controlled in a way that it consequently stops when the example under test breaks. Provided finish with One standard Briquette form, weapon metal, one Trowel, one standard spatula. Two arrangements of weights one including 4 oz." 8 oz. 12 oz. what's more, 1 Ib, direcUy to measure 100 Ibs. 200 Ibs. 300 Ibs. also, 500 Ibs. Second set including 125 gms. 250 gms 500 gms and 750 gms specifically to weight 50 kg. 100 gk. 2OOkg and 300 kg respecitvely. Hand operted without sead shots, (b) Above, electrically worked.

Vicat Needle Apparatus


IS : 269 For deciding the typical consistency and settingtime of concrete. Finish with one every one of Vicat Mouldhaving cinching ring, base plate, beginning needle, last needle,consistancy plunger and scale checked 0.50 mm attractivelyfinished. (B) - do - with dash pot

Venner Time Switch


Clock run 1-60 min. in five minutes division. The pointer Isset and bolted at the required planning time frame. At the point when the centrepush catch is press the contacts change over, and timingcommences.

Vibrator Internal Laboratory Type


Utilized as a part of vibrating concrete. test chambers and pillars. It iswidely utilized as a part of making solid items in experimentalwork and in little scale development ventures. The vibrator iselectrically determined, fitted with on and off switch, and ispowered by around H.P. engine, fitted with 14 incheslong x 1 inch dia vibrating pin having a shot sort noseapprox. Three ft. long adaptable shaft. Vibrating speed Is 10,000per moment..

Pore Pressure Apparatus 2


The gear comprises of : Pressure Gauge, Bourdon tubetype 8 inch dia graduated 0-150 p.s.i. divisions and 0-10.5kg./sq. cm in 0.1, kg./sq. cm, divisions: Monometer. Glass V-tube manometer for estimating low positive pore pressures,negative pore weights and checking zero mistake of pressuregauge. It is furnished with a mercury trap. (Mercury can besupplied at additional cost)Null marker. Perspex invalid inductor with mercury trap andcursor to show the mercury level. Burette. 50 ml burette formeasuring the volume change in the dirt example. Pressurepump is fitted with four sleeve stuffed valves. Worked bymeans of a hand wheel on the finish of the cylinder pole which isthreaded through the pump top and gives a smooth, fineadjustment of weight. With copper loop, and water supply. All parts are settled on a board appropriate for divider mounting andthe unit is tried against spills upto 150 p.s

Vibrating Machine (Mould Vibrator)


According to BS : 12 and IS : 269-1959 for 2.78" mortar cubes.Fitted with Y2 H.P. electric engine having 2860 r.p.m. coupledto give 12000;1:400 vibrations for every min. The machine issuitable for activity on 2201 230 volts, single stage, 50cyclesA.C. supply. Finish with one 2.78" solid shape form. (B) Timer Range: - 1-15 minutes. for use with the above..

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